[2008.06.28] 小说新作:山穷水尽,柳暗花明

New fiction

Bowled out, not over

Jun 26th 2008
From The Economist print edition

TOO often the literary novelist’s downfall-or shortfall-is plot. An Irishman brought up in the Netherlands and now living in New York, Joseph O’Neill exemplifies this curious blind spot in his new novel, “Netherland”.

Also a neo-New Yorker, the hero Hans is a mild-mannered Dutch banker whose marriage founders during one of those life-reassessments that were so widespread in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks. Mr O’Neill is good at capturing the atmosphere of exceptionalism and a sense of the centre not holding. The wife absconds with their son back to London. On his own in the Chelsea Hotel and reluctant to return to the loft from which the attacks have exiled the family, Hans falls into a friendship with an animated but shady entrepreneur named Chuck Ramkissoon, a Trinidadian determined to establish the city’s first cricket club.

To ruin the suspense shamelessly: Hans will eventually come full circle and patch things up with his wife. Thereafter Chuck is murdered, off-camera and with no explanation. His death has no consequences for the narrator. The cricket club never materialises, a failure of no consequence either. Mr O’Neill tries to bulk Chuck into a quirky, charismatic character, but because he has nothing to do, in a cause-and-effect sense, his early effervescence goes flat, gently subsiding like warm, abandoned champagne.
故事一波三折,最终还是毫无悬念– 汉斯走出困境,与妻子复合,恢复正常生活。之后不久,恰克被谋杀,就此从书中消失,再没有任何后文。他的死也没有给叙事者留下任何波澜。板球俱乐部也一直没有开起来,又是一个没有后文的败笔。奥尼尔想把恰克塑造成一个传奇有魅力的形象,但他又什么都做不了,规律难逃,开始的喧嚣沸腾渐渐趋于平淡,慢慢走向沉静,昨天已被遗忘。

Mr O’Neill ably describes some under-portrayed parts of New York, although his frequently cartographical approach (“On the Long Island Expressway I guided him past the red neon signs of Lefrak City and a certain Eden Hotel, past Utopia Parkway”) makes it a bit too easy to envision him cruising these streets with a notebook. Any number of passages are droll or well-observed. Of the “we’re-all-going-to-die sex” in the aftermath of a trauma, he comments: “it was my understanding that all sex, indeed all human activity, fell into this category.” He aptly conveys his narrator’s enthusiasm for cricket.

Yet the plot is light and fragile. Single pleasing paragraphs do not a sound novel make. However beguiling the decor, however beautiful the carved cornices, the gleaming brass fixtures, if the joists of a building are made of balsa wood it is not a good investment.

Book details

By Joseph O’Neill

Pantheon; 272 pages; $23.95. Fourth Estate; £14.99

译者:eirrac     http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12446&extra=page%3D1

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