[2008.06.28] 小额贷款:善意需善举


Doing good by doing very nicely indeed

Jun 26th 2008
From The Economist print edition

In support of profiting from the poor

FOR years Muhammad Yunus reigned as the public face of microfinance. It seemed only right when, in 2006, the Bangladeshi economist cum social entrepreneur and his Grameen Bank shared the Nobel peace prize for a micro-lending revolution that has helped millions to earn their own way out of poverty. Yet for the past year or so, microfinance has had another public face, one that troubles people like Mr Yunus. CompartamosBanco argues that the best way for microfinance to help the poor is for it to make a socking great profit.

Since Compartamos listed its shares for over $1 billion in April 2007, it has stirred up an increasingly fierce debate. To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year. Perhaps sensing opinion turning against it, the bank has belatedly sprung to its own defence, issuing a defiant justification of its business in an 11-page “letter to our peers”. And it manages to make a convincing case for its strategy of fighting poverty with profits.

Shares and sharing out

Compartamos was born out of the same social concern that inspired Mr Yunus. It uses a similar group-lending model to Grameen’s. It says its mission has not changed, but it has become convinced that by pursuing profits it will be able to provide financial services to many more poor people far more quickly than it would if it had continued to act as a charity.

Microfinance, especially lending to microentrepreneurs with no collateral, is labour-intensive and costly-in Compartamos’s case, around $152 a year per client, with an average loan of $450. By charging an interest rate that generates a profit, the bank can grow fast and provide many more “micro-entrepreneurs” with the finance they need, even at interest rates that by the standards of rich countries seem unacceptably high. The bank now has over 900,000 clients, and expects to reach over 1m this year, up from the 61,000 it had in 2000, after a decade as a traditional non-profit outfit. None of these new borrowers was compelled to come to its doors.

Compartamos also argues that its profits will build a microfinance industry. The more it earns, the more attractive microfinance will seem to investors, and the more capital will flow in. And the evidence supports this apparently self-serving claim: since Compartamos started to pursue profit, seven new regulated microfinance providers have begun to compete with it in Mexico, many of them financed by profit-seeking capitalists. Greater scale and competition are driving down interest rates-in Compartamos’s case, from 115% seven years ago. Even Mr Yunus has recently started to make the case for a more self-sustaining “social business” model, though his “non-loss, non-dividend company” is hardly as hungry as Compartamos.
国民银行辩称,其利润将用来打造小额贷款产业。赚的越多,对于投资者的吸引就越大,就会有更多的资金流入。这种露骨的自私自利腔调竟不乏拥护者。自从国民银行开始谋求利润以来,七家新近组建的小额贷款机构也开始竞相效仿,已成竞争之势。这些机构许多都是由套利资本在支持。规模不断增大,竞争越来越激烈,致使贷款利率不断下调,墨西哥国民银行七年前的利率为 115%(现在只有79%)。甚至是尤纳斯本人最近也开始推行一种更能自给自足的”社会企业”模式,尽管他那”零损失,零利润”的公司远不及国民银行似饕餮般胃口大开。

Profiting from the poor can be wrong, when lending is predatory-when the lender expects that the borrower will be unable to pay the interest or repay the principal. Compartamos does not target the poorest of the poor: it argues they would be better served by benefits such as income support from the state. It reports low default rates and high customer satisfaction. As for exploiting the ignorance of some borrowers, Compartamos says it is committed to transparency on interest rates and other charges. Since going public, it has offered financial literacy courses-some 60,000 of its clients went on one last year. If only those rich-country banks which touted subprime mortgages to the poor had been as public-spirited.
如果贷款是为了压榨穷人–预计到了借款人无法支付利息或是偿还本金,那么从穷人身上获利的想法就是错的。墨西哥国民银行并没有瞄准穷人中的最困难群体– 银行自称坏帐少,客户满意度高,如果再能拿到如国家收入补贴这样的优惠,定会更好的服务于民。为了给一些不明就里的借款人解惑,国民银行正在全力提高利率及其他收费的透明度。上市以来,该行举办了数期金融知识扫盲班,仅去年一年,就有6万多位顾客前去听课。其景象,恰似发达国家银行向穷人兜售次级贷款那般 “得民心,顺民意”。


“[2008.06.28] 小额贷款:善意需善举”的一个回复

  1. 你这篇翻得有些不够中肯,其实原文对Compartamos的评价并不像你的译文那么贬义,比如“And the evidence supports this apparently self-serving claim:…”顶多翻成“这样明显的自我辩解也是有证据支持的”。还有最后一段其实是肯定了Compartamos在提高穷人金融知识方面的努力,所以最后一句其实是说,当时那些大银行如果能像Compartamos那样让穷人明白自己贷款是为了什么的话(暗指那些大银行哄骗穷人的贷款的恶劣行径),(也许信贷危机就不会发生了)。

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