[2008.06.21] A funny way to beat inflation 打败通胀的搞笑办法

Venezuela’s economy

A funny way to beat inflation

Jun 19th 2008 | CARACAS
From The Economist print edition

Hugo Chávez invites the private sector to help him build socialism

TO BUILD his promised socialist revolution, Hugo Chávez seems to have concluded that he needs the help of capitalist businessmen. Earlier this month he invited a handpicked group of captains of finance and industry to the presidential palace. He lectured them about the imminent demise of capitalism, but then proceeded to offer them cheap credit and joint ventures to “reactivate” production.


That such efforts are needed is at first sight odd. Although it sells at a discount because much of it is heavy and sulphurous, the price of a barrel of Venezuelan oil recently topped $120. This year, Mr Chávez says, oil will contribute $75 billion to government revenues, up from $43.5 billion last year and only around $7 billion when he came to power in 1999.


Nevertheless, the economy slowed sharply in the first quarter of this year (see chart). That came as a surprise to the planning ministry, which had forecast growth of 6.7%. To make matters worse, the government’s inflation forecast of 12% for this year has proved even more wildly optimistic. This is particularly bad news for the poor, Mr Chávez’s main constituency. The price of food is rising faster than the overall index. According to the Centre for Documentation and Analysis (CENDA), a group linked to the trade unions, the cost of feeding a family of five rose by 2.4% in May and stands some 60% higher than the minimum wage, even though this was recently increased. For the first time in the past three years, the living standards of ordinary Venezuelans are declining.

尽管如此,该国今年第一季度的经济增长速度大幅放缓(见图表)。该国计划部曾预测增长速度为6.7%,因此这一结果使之大吃一惊。更糟的是,政府预测今年的通货膨胀为12%,这已被证明是过分乐观了。对于穷人们来说这尤其是个坏消息,他们是查韦斯先生的主要支持者。食品价格正在以比总体指数更快的速度上涨。根据文档和分析中心(CENDA)(一个与工会有关系的组织)的说法,五月份养活一个五口之家的费用上涨了2.4%,比最低工资–尽管最近有所提高 –高出60%。过去三年来第一次,委内瑞拉普通民众的生活水平开始下降。

After losing a referendum on constitutional change last December-Mr Chávez’s first electoral defeat-the government has made efforts to tackle the sources of popular discontent, including food shortages. It has used its oil wealth to import more food. But as fast as one gap is plugged another appears. CENDA reports that staples such as black beans, rice, maize flour and meat were missing from the shelves of many shops in May. Butchers have staged protests, complaining that price controls oblige them to sell some cuts below cost. The government’s consumer watchdog accuses them of hoarding and speculation, complaining that they are selling under the counter to restaurants at a higher price.


Officials rightly point out that the shortages arise partly because Venezuelans are consuming more. But they also reflect big economic imbalances. The government has channelled much of its oil wealth into handouts and subsidies, while its socialist policies have provided little incentive to increase production. Private investment has all but dried up. Businessmen have been scared by Mr Chávez’s recent nationalisations of the cement and iron and steel industries, and some dairy companies. Most industries are producing “at the limit” of their capacity, admits Andrés Izarra, the information minister.

官方立即指出食品短缺出现的原因部分是由于为委内瑞拉人现在消费得更多。但这也反应出了大的经济失衡。政府已经将其大量石油收入用于救济品和补贴中,可是其社会主义政策无法提供刺激来促进生产。私人投资几乎快干涸了。商人们被查韦斯先生最近对水泥和钢铁行业以及一些奶制品公司的国有化吓到了。新闻部部长 Andrés Izarra承认:绝大多数行业正在”以其最大生产能力”进行生产。

The president has tacitly recognised the problem. As the inflation rate climbed above 3% a month late last year, he silently applied the brakes: the government raised interest rates and slowed the rate of increase in public spending. It also managed to narrow the gap between the official exchange rate and the price of the dollar in the free market. It did so partly by stepping up the sale of bonds, which can be legally traded for dollars, but it helped that political tension subsided somewhat after the referendum.


The government’s new-found appetite for austerity has strict limits. In November Mr Chávez faces regional elections which many Venezuelans will see as an unofficial referendum on his rule. He has made it clear that he will not cut social spending. There is little sign that the private sector will respond to Mr Chávez’s appeals to help to build socialism. All this suggests that the battle against inflation will be hard. To wage it, the president this week named as his finance minister Alí Rodríguez, a veteran official who has close ties to Cuba, Venezuela’s closest ally. Perhaps he has noticed that Cuba’s communist government has recently concluded that private farming, rather than socialism, is the best way to feed the people.

政府最近获得的这种对节约开支的渴望有着严格限制。11月份查韦斯先生面临地区选举,许多委内瑞拉人将这看作对其统治的一次非官方全民公决。他已经清楚表明不会削减社会公共支出。没有迹象表明私营企业会响应查韦斯先生的号召去帮助其建设社会主义。所有这一切显示:对抗通货膨胀的战役将会很艰难。为了发动这场战争,本周总统任命Alí Rodríguez,一位与委内瑞拉的最亲密的同盟古巴联系密切的资深官员,为他的财政部长。可能他已经注意到古巴共产党政府最近得出的结论:私营农业,而非社会主义,才是养活人们的最佳方式。

译者:7colorwolf     http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12281&extra=page%3D1

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