[2008.06.21] Hot love in the cold war 冷战中的热恋


Hot love in the cold war

Jun 19th 2008
From The Economist print edition

TERROR, stagnation, exile, hope and disillusion are the fabric of Russian history in the last century. These are also the backdrop for Owen Matthews’s poignant history of his family’s battle with Soviet bureaucracy at its most callous and Western officialdom at its most complacent.
恐怖、萧条、放逐、希望和觉醒,构成了俄国上世纪历史的主旋律。而就在这样的背景下,Owen Matthews的家族,书写着他们那充满心酸的,不断地跟苏联那些冷酷无情的干部们和西方诸多傲慢自大的官员们斗争的历史。

His father Mervyn was one of the earliest British graduates allowed to study in Russia in the 1950s. This changed his life. First, he fell in love with Lyudmila, the frail, brainy daughter of a senior communist purged in the 1930s. Second, he flirted with the KGB. They insisted that he work for them. When he refused, he was expelled, permanently, from the Soviet Union. Lyudmila’s repeated applications for an exit visa were denied.

That could have been the end, among millions of other commonplace tragedies in the decades that the Kremlin devoted to creating paradise on earth. But it wasn’t. Showing great reserves of determination, Mervyn Matthews spent the next five years running a threadbare but relentless campaign to get Lyudmila to Britain. He buttonholed any public figure who could help, harassed the press and infuriated Foreign Office mandarins who regarded the whole affair as an irrelevant nuisance. He travelled round Europe to try to lobby visiting Soviet bigwigs, and even managed twice to slip into the Soviet Union on visa-free day trips from Finland to see her.
本来,到这里就该划上一个句号了,正如在克里姆林宫着手建设人间天堂的时代,那千千万万的人间惨剧一样。然而,故事并未就此结束。Mervyn Matthews在此时表现出了巨大的决心,为了把Lyudmila带到英国,他接下来进行了五年虽微不足道却不屈不挠的抗争。他向任何一位可能会有所帮助的公众人物求助;他不断地烦扰新闻媒体;他还激怒了外交部的官员,他们说这事儿跟他们毫无关系。他周游欧洲,设法游说来访的苏联官员;他甚至两次跑到芬兰,通过免签旅行偷偷进入苏联跟她相会。

In between he wrote daily to Lyudmila in spare but affectionate prose. He carefully kept copies of his own letters and of her replies, which are steeped with frustrated uxoriousness (love mixed with fussing about his diet and clothes). Through these extracts the reader can almost smell the longing and the willpower. They also show how the couple’s unhappy families-Mervyn’s father is absent because he disliked his relations, Lyudmila’s because he died in the Gulag-made them seem to match each other so neatly.

The campaign for Lyudmila cost Mervyn his academic career. He did not publish his work on Soviet sociology for fear of offending the Kremlin. After lobbying a visitor to his Oxford college too brusquely, he was eased out and took a job at another university which he despised. In Moscow, Lyudmila was hounded for her love affair with someone from the enemy camp.

Astonishingly, the sacrifices were vindicated. In 1969 the Matthews case and that of two other couples were bundled up with an East-West spy swap. Lyudmila came to Britain. The marriage proved less than blissful, although it was saved by dogged loyalty on both sides. Lyudmila adapted poorly to English life; her shy, spartan husband’s grit in adversity proved greater than his husbandly capabilities.
不过,叫人惊喜的是,他们的付出总算得到了回报。1969年,在一起人质交换事件中,他们和另外两对夫妇的问题一起得到了解决,Lyudmila来到了英国。然而,他们的婚姻虽然在双方忠贞的感情下没有破裂,却也并不见得有多幸福。 Lyudmila对英国生活极为不适应;她那位害羞而刚毅的丈夫,相对于其在困境中的勇敢坚定,他在婚姻生活中的表现却并不能令人满意。

But the marriage did produce the author, a legendary hellraiser in Moscow in the 1990s, and now a respectable foreign correspondent. The crisp and admirably self-deprecating vignettes of his own life, both emotional and professional, give his parents’ story a fitting perspective. Few books say so much about Russia then and now, and its effect on those it touches.

译者: being    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12197&extra=page%3D1
本文同样优秀的另一篇译文版本为: http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12196&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.06.21] Hot love in the cold war 冷战中的热恋”的2个回复

  1. 一些问题

      1.第二段第一行末尾 First, he fell in love with Lyudmila, the frail, brainy daughter of a senior communist purged in the 1930s. the frail是Lyudmila的同位语,不应翻译成瘦弱的,frail在这里是名词,少女的意思。这句话可以译的更准确些:首先,他爱上了Lyudmila,这位聪慧少女是一位在1930年代大清洗中被流放的共产党高级干部的女儿。senior这里翻译成高级显然比资深要地道一些。
      2.第三段第二行 Showing great reserves of determination, Mervyn Matthews spent the next five years running a threadbare but relentless campaign to get Lyudmila to Britain. 这里的threadbare译的不准确,查一下牛津高阶就可以知道,这里是苍白无力的意思。
      3.第三段第四行末,He travelled round Europe to try to lobby visiting Soviet bigwigs,译者这里似乎没读懂,原文的意思是,他周游欧洲,设法游说访问苏联的头面人物,请他们帮忙。而不是游说来访的苏联官员。
      4.第四段第三行 They also show how the couple’s unhappy families-Mervyn’s father is absent because he disliked his relations, Lyudmila’s because he died in the Gulag-made them seem to match each other so neatly. 最后一句话是说,这使他们看上去更加般配(因为双方的父亲都absent),而非更需要对方。

  2. They also show how the couple’s unhappy families-Mervyn’s father is absent because he disliked his relations, Lyudmila’s because he died in the Gulag-made them seem to match each other so neatly.


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