Politics this week
Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
China reacted angrily to America’s plan to sell $6 billion-worth of weapons to Taiwan. It suspended military contacts, threatened sanctions against American companies involved in the arms sales and said it would review co-operation on international issues.

As talks in Beijing between China and representatives of the Dalai Lama ended with little sign of progress, Chinese officials warned Barack Obama against proceeding with a planned meeting with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader. Mr Obama insisted that it would go ahead, probably later this month.
Anwar Ibrahim, leader of Malaysia’s opposition, went on trial charged with sodomy. Mr Anwar has denied the allegations and accused the prime minister, Najib Razak, of a conspiracy against him. Previously convicted and jailed on a similar charge, Mr Anwar was later exonerated.
In Sri Lanka several dozen supporters of Sarath Fonseka, the defeated candidate in last month’s election, were detained, accused of involvement in a plot to ssassinate Mahinda Rajapaksa, the victorious president. Journalists’ unions and foreign human-rights groups condemned a deterioration in press freedom.
在斯里兰卡,上月竞选中失利的Sarath Fonseka的数十名支持者被拘捕,他们被指控参与了现任总统的刺杀计划。记者工会和海外人权组织对新闻自由状况的恶化表示谴责。
Three American soldiers were killed, along with three children and a Pakistani soldier, in a bomb attack outside a girls’ school in the north-west of Pakistan. The Americans were said to be counter-insurgency trainers working with Pakistan’s Frontier Corps.
在一所女校附近的炸弹袭击中,三名美国士兵,连同三名儿童和一名巴基斯坦士兵丧生。这几名美国人据传是工作于边境兵团(Frontier Corps)的反暴动训练员。
On a mission
As the relief effort following Haiti’s huge earthquake continued, members of a Baptist group from Idaho were arrested and accused of trying to smuggle 33 Haitian children out of the country. Haiti said the death toll now exceeded 200,000, the first estimate.
Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, won her battle to remove Martín Redrado as head of the Central Bank for opposing her plan to use some of the country’s dollar reserves to repay debt. His replacement is an economist said to be closer to the president.
阿根廷总统Cristina Fernández de Kirchner如愿将央行行长Martín Redrado革职。Martín Redrado反对她用美元储备支付债务的主张。替任该职位的经济学家据传和总统交往更深。
President Álvaro Uribe of Colombia became the first foreign leader to visit Honduras’s new president, Porfirio Lobo. Meanwhile, the United States restored aid that had been cut off to Honduras after a coup that removed Manuel Zelaya from the presidency in June.
哥伦比亚总统Álvaro Uribe成为首位访问洪都拉斯新总统Porfirio Lobo的外国领导。与此同时,联合国恢复了政变后中断的对该国的援助。该政变在6月将Manuel Zelaya从总统之位上赶了下来。
Gunmen slaughtered a dozen teenagers and two adults at a birthday party in Ciudad Juárez, a Mexican city in the grip of drug-related murders.
Debt watch
The European Commission accepted Greece’s latest deficit-reduction plan, but vowed to monitor progress closely. In a broadcast to the country the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, made a plea for national unity, but public-sector workers continued with plans to strike.
欧盟委员会接受了希腊最新的赤字削减计划,并表示将密切监督其进展情况。在一次全国的广播讲话中,希腊总理George Papandreou呼吁国民团结一致,但是公务员的罢工计划照常进行。
The two candidates in Ukraine’s presidential election run-off, Yulia Tymoshenko and Viktor Yanukovich, traded insults as the country prepared to vote. Tension rose when the Ukrainian secret service announced that it had detained five Russians last month for spying.
乌克兰复选的两名总统候选人季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)和亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)在国民准备投票之际,相互诋毁攻击。乌克兰情报部门披露,上月5名俄罗斯人因从事间谍活动被捕,局势因此更加紧张。
Barack Obama announced that he would not attend a summit with the European Union planned for May. Some thought the move signalled the changing foreign-policy priorities of the Obama administration; others suggested the Americans were simply tired of pointless meetings with a proliferation of European leaders.
Tony Blair testified at the Iraq war inquiry in Britain. The former prime minister gave a stout defence of his decision to send British troops into Iraq, said he would do it again, and asked what the situation would be like now if Saddam Hussein had been left in power to develop WMD. One of his former ministers said Mr Blair was being “ludicrous”.
Moon shot
The White House unveiled a $3.8 trillion budget for the next fiscal year, starting in October. Many of its highlights, such as a new tax on banks, had been previously trailed, but the document also outlined spending on jobs. NASA’s $100 billion plan to return men to the moon was scrapped.
Barack Obama gave a speech to congressional Republicans in which he called for bipartisanship in Washington and took questions from his opponents on health care, the deficit and other matters. The rare event was televised, and was an instant hit on YouTube.
America’s defence secretary announced a review of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which bars openly gay soldiers from serving in the armed forces. Admiral Mike Mullen heartily supported the review, the first time a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has backed the idea of allowing gay troops to serve. Congress will have the ultimate say, but not any time soon. See article
美国国防部长对“不问不说”政策做了总结称述。该政策禁止公开同性恋军人在部队服役。海军上将Mike Mullen又重支持这一总结称述,这是第一次“参谋首长联席会议”的主席支持允许同性恋部队服役的做法。国会将最终说了算,但是近期不会有结果。
Tony Blair testified at the Iraq war inquiry in Britain. The former prime minister gave a stout defence of his decision to send British troops into Iraq, said he would do it again, and asked what the situation would be like now if Saddam Hussein had been left in power to develop WMD. One of his former ministers said Mr Blair was being “ludicrous”.
Ballots and bombs
Iraq’s electoral commission reversed a ban on more than 500 candidates who had been told they could not run in next month’s election because of past ties to Saddam Hussein’s Baath party. Prominent Sunni politicians, who had threatened to boycott the poll because they said the original decision discriminated against them, welcomed the move. Meanwhile, suicide-bombs in Baghdad and Karbala, one of Shia Islam’s holiest Iraqi towns, killed more than 60 Shia pilgrims.
An agreement on a truce between Yemen’s government and Shia rebels of the Houthi clan broke down over an extra condition that the Houthis stop attacking Saudi forces across Yemen’s border. Yemeni government forces later said they had killed 16 Houthi rebels, including several leaders, in their stronghold, Saada. See article
Israel’s secret service, Mossad, was widely suspected of the recent assassination in Dubai of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a military commander of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist move. Mr Mabhouh was said to have been close to Hamas’s political leader, Khaled Meshaal.
伊斯兰特工Mossad被多方怀疑是最近在迪拜暗杀哈马斯组织(巴勒斯坦伊斯兰运动团体)军官Mahmoud al-Mabhouh的嫌疑犯。据说,Mahmoud al-Mabhouh与哈马斯政界领导人Khaled Meshaal交往甚密。
The chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague won his appeal against a ruling that he could not charge Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, with genocide in Darfur. Mr Bashir was indicted in March 2009. A warrant for his arrest will now be reconsidered. Mr Bashir, with the backing of some African governments but not others, still insists he will not appear before the court.
海牙国际刑事法庭上,高级检举人成功推翻了之前禁止他以达尔富尔种族屠杀事件起诉苏丹总统 Omar al-Bashir的判决。 Omar al-Bashir于2009年3月遭到起诉。现在,他可能遭到逮捕。Bashir在一部分非洲国家的支持下,仍旧表示决不会出庭。