Central heating 集中供热

China’s economy

Central heating

Is China growing too fast?

Jan 21st 2010 | HONG KONG | From The Economist print edition

BEIJING recently suffered its lowest temperature in 59 years, but the economy is sweltering. Figures published on January 21st showed that real GDP grew by 10.7% year on year in the fourth quarter. Industrial production jumped by 18.5% in the year to December, while retail sales increased by 17.5%, boosted by government subsidies and tax cuts on purchases of cars and appliances. In real terms, the rise in retail sales last year was the biggest for over two decades.


A year ago many economists were fretting about unemployment and deflation. Now, with indecent haste, they have shifted to worrying that the Chinese economy is overheating and inflation is taking off. The 12-month rate of consumer-price inflation rose to 1.9% in December, an abrupt change from July when prices were 1.8% lower than a year before.


The recent rise in inflation was caused mainly by higher food prices as a result of severe winter weather in northern China. In many cities, fresh-vegetable prices have more than doubled in the past two months. But Helen Qiao and Yu Song at Goldman Sachs argue that it is not just food prices that risk pushing up inflation: the economy is starting to exceed its speed limit. If, as China bears contend, the economy had massive overcapacity, there would be little to worry about: excess supply would hold down prices. But bottlenecks are already appearing. Some provinces report electricity shortages, and stocks of coal are low. The labour market is also tightening, forcing firms to pay higher wages.


If the economy’s slack is shrinking fast, then the extraordinarily rapid growth in money and credit over the past year could quickly spill into inflation. The growth in bank credit slowed to 32% in the year to December, but that is still far too fast. The central bank has started to drain liquidity by lifting banks’ reserve requirements, and some banks have been told to reduce their lending. The bank will probably not raise official interest rates until inflation breaches 3%, but that could be as soon as February.


In 2009 government officials gave three reasons for holding the yuan stable against the dollar: falling exports, weak GDP growth and negative inflation. Now, with double-digit growth in both GDP and exports, and inflation rapidly rising, it has no excuse.


译者: 弓长贝恩

“Central heating 集中供热”的4个回复

  1. 1、Central heating 集中供热——中国经济之热

    2、Is China growing too fast? 中国是否增长过快?——中国经济是否增长过快

    3、Industrial production jumped by 18.5% in the year to December, while retail sales increased by 17.5%, boosted by government subsidies and tax cuts on purchases of cars and appliances.得益于政府补贴以及车辆与机械购置税减免的激励,12月份工业生产同比激增18.5%,零售额则跳升17.5%。——受政府补贴以及汽车和家电购置税减免政策激励,12月份工业生产同比激增18.5%,零售总额则增长了17.5%。

    4、Now, with indecent haste, they have shifted to worrying that the Chinese economy is overheating and inflation is taking off. The 12-month rate of consumer-price inflation rose to 1.9% in December, an abrupt change from July when prices were 1.8% lower than a year before.可现在——仓皇狼狈之中——他们舵头一转担心起中国的经济过热以及通胀回升。12月CPI与去年同期相比上升了1.9%——比起7月可谓变化剧烈,当时的同比价格水平跌了1.8个百分点。——而现在他们则迫不及待地担心中国经济过热以及通胀将至。12月消费物价通胀率上升至1.9%——与7月相比可谓峰回路转,当时的价格水平较之前一年下降了1.8%。

    5、The recent rise in inflation was caused mainly by higher food prices as a result of severe winter weather in northern China.最近通胀回暖主音在于华北的严冬导致食品价格上升。——最近通胀率上升主因在于华北的严冬导致食品价格上涨。

    6、the economy is starting to exceed its speed limit.中国经济已经开始超越其限速。——中国经济增速已近极限。

    7、If, as China bears contend, the economy had massive overcapacity, there would be little to worry about: excess supply would hold down prices.若中国诚如其唱空论者所言出现了巨大的产能过剩,那么通胀的担心或许就是多余的:因为超额供给将压低价格。——倘如唱空中国论者所言,中国经济存在巨大的产能过剩,那么对通胀的担心不免多余,因为超额供给将压低价格。

    8、but that could be as soon as February.但那可能很快就是2月份的事情——但那可能就是今年2月份的事情

    9、In 2009 government officials gave three reasons for holding the yuan stable against the dollar: falling exports, weak GDP growth and negative inflation.去年,政府官员给出维持人民币对美元汇率不动的三大理由:出口下降、GDP增速放缓以及价格水平回落。——2009年政府官员对于维持人民币兑美元汇率稳定给出了三大理由:出口下降、GDP增速放缓以及通胀回落。

    1. 6、the economy is starting to exceed its speed limit.中国经济已经开始超越其限速。——中国经济增速已近极限。
      “Speed limit”在这里是否应该理解为“经济发展的正常步伐”?

      1. 理解为“正常步伐”不是很到位。speed limit是最高限速的意思。中国经济粗放型的增长模式对资源和环境造成极其恶劣的影响,现在已经是穷途末路。一般认为,未来中国经济的增长速度不宜超过10%,8%左右比较合理

    2. 4、Now, with indecent haste, they have shifted to worrying that the Chinese economy is overheating and inflation is taking off. The 12-month rate of consumer-price inflation rose to 1.9% in December, an abrupt change from July when prices were 1.8% lower than a year before.

      这里为什么用shifted to doing 呢?不是do么?

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