[2008.05.22] The whipcracker is back 策马扬鞭,英雄归来


The whipcracker is back

May 22nd 2008
From The Economist print edition
Indiana Jones returns with a steely secret weapon


The real star 真正的明星

HARRISON FORD may be 65, but he still wields a prehensile bullwhip with aplomb and his punches sound as though they might fell an elephant.

In his new film, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, the hero is sacked from his teaching job at Marshall College after a run-in with a Red Army agent, Irina Spalko (played by Cate Blanchett), over the remains of an alien from the Roswell incident in New Mexico. A teenage hoody named Mutt (Shia La Beouf) comes to the rescue, summoning Indy on a quest for a legendary crystal skull that has already cost his old friend, Professor Oxley (John Hurt), his health and sanity.
福特最新的 电影作品是《印第安纳·琼斯之水晶头骨王国》,他扮演男主人公印第安纳·琼斯教授与苏联特工艾莉娜·斯帕克(由凯伦·布兰切特扮演),因新墨西哥州罗斯威 尔UFO事件中的外星人遗物结怨,之后琼斯教授就在政府的授意之下被马歇尔学院辞退。在落魄无援之时,他遇到了叛逆的年轻人穆特(希亚·拉博夫饰),穆特 请求琼斯教授帮助他寻找传奇的水晶头骨,琼斯的老朋友奥克斯雷教授(约翰·赫特饰),已经被这个水晶头骨搞得孱弱多病,理智全无.

Agent Spalko, who also wants the skull, sets out to kidnap Indy’s feisty old flame, Marion Ravenwood (the still fabulous Karen Allen), to help up the ante, and the game starts all over again, returning the hero and his bullwhip to the jungles of Peru where the saga began with “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.
苏联特工斯帕克也妄图得到水晶头骨,她不惜绑架了琼斯教授易怒的旧爱玛丽昂·拉文伍德(由依旧明艳动人的凯伦 ·艾伦出演)以此要挟他帮助寻找头骨的下落。接着宝物争夺战再次上演,主人公挥动着他的长鞭驰骋在秘鲁的丛林之中,这个桥段仍就沿袭着《法柜奇兵》的老套 路,传奇故事就此展开。

Why the 19-year hiatus between “Crystal Skull” and its predecessor, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”? After sending Indy in the first three films in search of holy relics from Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg needed a fresh quest for a fourth film. They found one in a particularly American religion: UFOlogy.
《圣战奇兵》问世19年后才推出《水晶头骨王国》,为什么印第安纳·琼斯系列两部剧集间 隔如此之长?在前三部作品中,根据剧情设置,琼斯分别寻找了犹太教,印度教和基督教的圣物,乔治·卢卡斯和斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格需要给第四部剧集设置一个全 新的情景。经过长期慎重考虑,他俩选定了一个在美国民众心中倍受推崇,近乎信念的话题:不明飞行物。

Will this long-awaited comeback manage to attract a new generation of adolescent Indyites? Its secret weapon may turn out to be Ms Blanchett’s Agent Spalko. With her severe black bob, the steely Soviet dominatrix has already set hearts aflutter all over the internet. At the end of the film Agent Spalko gets sucked up by an inter-dimensional vortex. But the fact that she has her own MySpace page, which plays Red Army hymns, suggests that somehow she survives the trip. Messrs Lucas and Spielberg should give the good comrade her own franchise: a one-woman crusade to restart the international communist conspiracy. With those armour-piercing cobalt-blue eyes, Ms Blanchett could just about pull it off.
这部期待已久的影片,用什么法宝才能吸引年轻一代的观众,让他们也成为琼斯迷呢?这个“秘密武器”应该是由布兰切特女士扮演的苏联特工斯 帕克。这个留着利落黑色短发的苏联特工,她那冷若冰霜,高高在上的女王气质已经撩动无数人心,征服了网络世界。影片的结尾,特工斯帕克被卷到了异次元空间 的旋涡之中。斯帕克拥有“我的空间”个人主页,她以此为根据地,大肆宣传共产主义,高唱革命赞歌。她个人网页上的信息暗示出:尽管不知道什么原因,但是斯 帕克在失足跌入旋涡后幸免遇难。卢卡斯和斯皮尔伯格这两位大师真是煞费苦心,为了博取票房不惜用意识形态炒作商业片, 他们真应该赋予这位虔诚的革命同志某种特权:让一个气质美女独撑共产主义圣战的大局,重现苏联妄图称霸世界的阴谋。布兰切特女士那钴蓝色的双眼,美艳迷离 慑人魂魄,对于剧情中的圣战和影片的票房来说,她正是这决定胜局的不二人选.

译者: margaret_von http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11565


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