[2008.11.22] 性服务业:黄灯区


An amber light

Nov 20th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Britain’s muddled half-ban is no way to deal with commercial sex

IN QUIET suburbs and off busy high streets, Britain has a modest trade in rape. Most prostitution, which is legal, is consensual. But worries about abuse are rising. Performed behind closed curtains and often by people who fear to seek help, prostitution has always been a job in which exploitation is possible. Now, like most unappealing, low-paid occupations, it is increasingly carried out by immigrants: eight out of ten London prostitutes are foreigners, police think. Isolated, lacking knowledge of English or the law and sometimes trafficked by criminal gangs, the new arrivals are especially vulnerable. In the past two years police have rescued 251 women whom they believe were trafficked to Britain for sexual slavery.


The situation is shameful, but the proposal the government unveiled this week-to make those buying sex liable to criminal charges if it subsequently emerges that the prostitute was controlled for another person’s gain-is no way to remedy it. This newspaper tends toward a liberal view of these matters, but even those who do not will find this amber light a waste of space. Better by far either to criminalise outright the purchase of sex or to legalise it and regulate what ensues.


Britain’s dilemma is not unique: all countries have prostitutes of varying sexes and nationalities. Some, such as New Zealand, have tried to minimise the problems that usually accompany the trade-violence, coercion, drugs, exploitation of minors and migrants-by allowing prostitutes to operate openly. This seems both fair to those who choose to sell sex and good for exposing any abuses. Other countries, including most American states, have sought to expunge prostitution’s unpleasant aspects by banning it altogether. Sweden, and some imitators, have opted to criminalise only the clients.


No system works brilliantly. But this British proposal would only make matters murkier in a country that already has some of the world’s most confusing vice laws. Buying and selling sex is legal now (a situation that older voters, in particular, support, as the chart shows), but most of the things that make it possible-kerb-crawling, soliciting, pimping and brothel-keeping-are not. As the law stands, punters who knowingly have sex with an exploited woman can face charges of rape. The new law would criminalise the oblivious as well.


That is unjust, and inconsistent with the law in other areas. A man who has sex with an underage girl, for example, may be acquitted if it emerges that he was fooled. There are areas where the law rejects ignorance as an excuse, as any tourist caught driving in London’s congestion zone knows. But that refers to ignorance of the law, not ignorance of facts that were withheld. Furthermore, women deemed to be “under the control of another” could include those who support their boyfriends, or work with a mate. The most ethical punter could easily be caught out. Good, says Jacqui Smith, the home secretary: it will make potential clients “think twice”.


Make your mind up

If that is her view, she should outlaw buying sex altogether, rather than backing a confusing law in the hope that (mostly) men will decide not to risk it. Better still, she should legalise prostitution fully, and tackle trafficking and exploitation with better policing. There is something to be said for either extreme. The proposed compromise is a muddle that will put men in the dark and make women no safer. The Home Office has a track record of poorly drafted legislation on terrorism, which the courts have repeatedly found holes in. The proposal on prostitution is another corker. MPs should scrap it.


译者:Wordy_Camel   http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15531&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.11.22] 性服务业:黄灯区”的5个回复

  1. That is unjust, and inconsistent with the law in other areas(aspects of law). A man who has sex with an underage girl, for example, may be acquitted if it emerges that he was fooled. There are areas where the law rejects ignorance as an excuse, as any tourist caught driving in London’s congestion zone knows(tourist was caught when drived a way they were not supposed to). But that refers to ignorance of the law, not ignorance of facts that were withheld. Furthermore, women deemed to be “under the control of another” could include those who support their boyfriends, or work with a mate(work with a mate i understood as work with someone, your translation is too formal). The most ethical punter could easily be caught out. Good, says Jacqui Smith, the home secretary: it will make potential clients “think twice”.

  2. 我认为”AN amber light” 不是”黄灯区”的意思,应是指介于”红灯”与”绿灯”间的尴尬状态,用于讽刺英政府不明朗的态度. 直译为”黄灯”或更为准确.


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