[2008.11.22] 索马里的无政府状态:无法无天的非洲之角

Anarchy in Somalia

The lawless Horn

Nov 20th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Pirates are only part of a much bigger problem in east Africa

IT IS tempting to be jaunty about piracy. So what if a few Robin Hoods in skiffs nick the odd tanker off the Horn of Africa? Often enough, the owners pay ransom and nobody gets hurt. Everyone needs a living in these hard times. And if the worst comes to the worst, gunboats can always be dispatched to clean the problem up, just as the British and Americans did off north Africa’s Barbary coast at the turn of the 19th century.


It is tempting, but it is wrong. The Barbary pirates caused immense human and economic damage, and the current spate of piracy in the waters of east Africa is now getting out of hand too. On November 15th pirates operating hundreds of miles from the coast seized the Sirius Star, a supertanker carrying 2m barrels of Saudi oil (see [url=” target=_blank]article[/url]). A dozen or so other vessels are already held by pirates. One of them-surrounded by American and Russian warships-contains a cargo of 33 T-72 tanks, enough to tip the balance in a small local war.


The last thing the world needs right now is disruption of one of its busiest shipping lanes and a spike in insurance premiums. But the cause of the present surge of piracy is no less worrying than its consequences. What has made the pirates’ audacity possible is the collapse of Somalia. The existence of a vast ungoverned space in Africa’s Horn does not just provide a useful haven from which pirates can hunt their prey at sea. It also threatens to transmit shockwaves through a seam of fragile and strife-torn African states from Sudan to the Congo.


How did this happen, and how can it be resolved? The first question is the easier to answer. About 50,000 peacekeepers are currently deployed under United Nations or African Union auspices in east and central Africa in an effort to dampen down various conflicts. In Somalia in 2006, however, the Bush administration tried something different: war by proxy. It gave a green light for Ethiopia to invade Somalia. The plan was for Ethiopia to squash an Islamist movement and reinstate a Somali government that had lost control of most of its territory.


Two years on, the plan has backfired. Abdullahi Ahmed, Somalia’s increasingly notional president, admitted on November 15th that a variety of Islamist insurgents once again dominate most of the country, leaving only two cities, Mogadishu and Baidoa, in the hands of his increasingly notional government. Neither Ethiopia nor the African Union ever sent enough soldiers to impose order. Worse, the strongest of the insurgent groups, the Shabab, is even more radical than the Islamic Courts movement which the Americans and Ethiopians originally took on. It is suspected of being linked by money to the pirates (who hand over a slice of the ransom in return for protection) and by ideology to al-Qaeda.

两年过去了,该计划的反作用开始凸显。索马里总统Abdullahi Ahmed越来越像个摆设。11月15日,他表示伊斯兰叛乱份子再次占领了大部分领土,留给这个同样越来越像摆设政府的只有摩加迪沙和拜多阿两座城市。埃塞俄比亚和非盟都未曾派遣足够的兵力以维持索马里国内的稳定。更糟的是,现势力最为强大的沙巴激进组织比原先美国和埃塞俄比亚对付的伊斯兰法庭联盟还要激进。人们怀疑该组织同海盗有金钱上的往来(海盗支付其一部分赎金权当保护费),意识形态上类似于基地组织。

So how to resolve the issue? It is not enough just to send more gunboats. Although an Indian warship sunk an alleged pirate vessel this week, and a bigger naval effort could help to keep the sea-lanes a little safer, a long-term solution demands much more. This includes establishing stability inside Somalia itself, depriving the pirates of a sanctuary, and preventing the jihad-tinted anarchy there from spilling over Somalia’s borders. But since there are no serious military forces available to defeat the insurgents, a proper answer will entail reshaping the country’s politics and stepping up attempts to woo the more biddable Islamists-if there are enough left and a deal with them is still possible. Maybe not so jaunty, after all.


译者:james0401047  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15604&extra=page%3D1

不同译文,同样精彩:http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15590&extra=page%3D1 译者:7colorwolf

“[2008.11.22] 索马里的无政府状态:无法无天的非洲之角”的3个回复

  1. I start to realise how gratified it is to have a healthy throat when a fishbone is caught in it.Some day we will miss the peaceful world when it
    comes up with war in every corner.

  2. 总的来说,这篇文章的翻译还是不错的!不过个人认为有些地方还可以更好。
    举例1 a much bigger problem 上面翻译的是“···诸多问题···”,是不是应改为“海盗猖獗只是东非问题的冰山一角”呢
    2 “And if the worst comes to the worst, gunboats can always be dispatched to clean the problem up, just as the British and Americans did off north Africa’s Barbary coast at the turn of the 19th century.”
    个人认为 这里的语气好像不太对。考虑到前文说的“轻松”,这里应改为“真到了万不得已的时候,还可以派出炮艇摆平它···” 这样才可以表示出那种轻松嘛
    3 “夺回业已失去的大部分领土。”那个英语句子的结构似乎是表示“失去了大部分领土的政府”啊 到底怎么翻译比较好呢
    最后,有一个问题希望大家指点帮忙指点下:“a seam of fragile and strife-torn African states from Sudan to the Congo”这里的“a seam of” 还有”from Sudan to the Congo”怎么翻译啊


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