



Apr 15th 2010 | PORTLAND | From The Economist print edition










这并不是贬低波特兰模式,波特兰是一个先进的并着眼于未来的地方。而其他城市引以为荣的吸引力是一个生意兴隆的独立书店(鲍威尔连锁书店),还是医学系学生能带着自行车乘坐“贡多拉”(威尼斯的小船)往来于各个校区?其它城市还会有很多效仿,比如明尼阿波利斯,这个月取代波特兰成为《自行车》杂志评选的“自行车最友好城市”(亚当斯的幕僚抱怨“他们在雪地骑车上面获得了加分”)。就职于波特兰的一家民意调查公司Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall的亚当·戴维斯说俄勒冈人喜欢以既是领先者又是特例自我标榜,他们乐于二者兼具。


译者注:关于Oregon Trail A historical overland route to the western United States extending from various cities on the Missouri River to the Oregon Country and later Oregon Territory. The trail was opened in 1842, and by 1845 more than 3,000 migrants had made the arduous journey. After the coming of the railroad, the trail fell into disuse and was finally abandoned in the 1870s.

Bioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides (less than six percent) and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. The water’s flow path, along with the wide and shallow ditch, are designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale, which aids the trapping of pollutants and silt. Depending upon the geometry of land available, a bioswale may have a meandering or almost straight channel alignment. Biological factors also contribute to the breakdown of certain pollutants.

A common application is around parking lots, where substantial automotive pollution is collected by the paving and then flushed by rain. The bioswale, or other type of biofilter, wraps around the parking lot and treats the runoff before releasing it to the watershed or storm sewer.

Two early examples of scientifically designed bioswales for large scale applications are found in the western United States. In 1996 for Willamette River Park in Portland, Oregon a total of 2330 lineal feet of bioswale was designed and installed to capture pollutant runoff from entering the Willamette River. Intermittent check dams were installed to further abet silt capture, with the outcome of reducing 50 percent of all suspended solids entering the river system (France, 2002).

A second example of a large scale designed bioswale is at the Carneros Business Park, Sonoma County, California. Starting in 1997 the project design team worked with the California Department of Fish and Game and County of Sonoma to produce a detailed design to channel surface runoff at the perimeter of a large parking area. Surface runoff consists of building roof runoff, parking lot runoff and overland flow from properties to the north of the project site. A total of two lineal miles of bioswale was designed into the project. The purpose of the bioswale was to minimize runoff contaminants from entering Sonoma Creek. The designed bioswale channel is grass-lined, but almost linear in form. Downslope gradient is approximately four percent and cross-slope gradient is approximately six percent.


《经济学人》(The Economist ( http://www.economist.com ))仅同意ECO (www.ecocn.org)翻译其杂志内容,并未对上述翻译内容进行任何审阅查对。 





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