The Hergé museum
Totally Tintin
May 28th 2009 | LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE
From The Economist print edition
Celebrating one man and his dog

Champagne opening
A SPECTACULAR new museum dedicated to Hergé, the pen name of Georges Remi, who created the comic-book hero Tintin, opens in the Belgian town of Louvain-la-Neuve on June 2nd. The museum, a fine addition to a somewhat drab skyline, is best seen at nightfall or under grey skies, says its architect, Christian de Portzamparc. In murky conditions, the building’s structure of angled white planes glows from within, offering glimpses through huge windows of an “imagined landscape” inside.
纪念比利时漫画家埃尔热(乔治·雷米的笔名)的博物馆将于6月2日在比利时新鲁汶(Louvain-la-Neuve)对外开放。埃尔热塑造了一位漫画英雄——丁丁。博物馆的设计师克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克(Christian de Portzamparc)介绍说,博物馆为有些单调的天际增添了一抹亮色,它在傍晚和阴天时尤为迷人。建筑由倾斜的白色平面构成,天色阴沉时会从内部发亮光,通过大玻璃窗可以看到里面“幻想世界”。