[2008.05.17] No time to sit back 干预措施,刻不容缓

Disasters in China and Myanmar

No time to sit back

May 15th 2008
From The Economist print edition

China has shown up Myanmar’s generals. But it is not too late for outsiders to help the Burmese

IT HAS taken another catastrophe, this one in China, to show the generals who run Myanmar how better to respond to a natural disaster. Ten days after a cyclone struck Myanmar (formerly Burma) on May 2nd, the xenophobic junta there had managed to ensure that aid from abroad was still only trickling in and most of what had arrived was not being distributed to those who needed it. The United Nations’ estimates for the dead and vulnerable were rising dramatically. It was then that a devastating earthquake struck western China. President Hu Jintao at once mobilised soldiers and other workers in an all-out rescue effort. The prime minister, Wen Jiabao, arrived in the region within a few hours, making no attempt to play down this “severe disaster” and saying China would gratefully accept international help (see article). The contrast with Myanmar was telling.
又一场灾难告诉缅甸将军们如何应对自然灾害,这次灾难发生在中国.在五月 二号缅甸遭受热带风暴袭击的十天后,伊外的军政府成功地确保外部援助如同细水般流入,并且其中大多数没有分配给灾民们.联合国就死亡与受伤人数的估计急剧 上升.就在这时一场毁灭性的地震袭击了中国西部.胡锦涛主席立即动员士兵和其他人员全力组织营救.温家宝总理在几小时之内赶赴灾区,没有试图掩盖这场"严 重灾难"并且声明中国愿意接受国际援助.中国与缅甸政府高下立判。
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[2008.05.10] Myanmar’s misery 缅甸的苦难

Cyclone in Myanmar

Myanmar’s misery

May 8th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Despite their appalling government, the Burmese people deserve all the help they can get

THE decision by Myanmar’s ruling generals to move their capital in 2005 from Yangon, the country’s biggest city, to the remote mountain fastness of Naypyidaw was as baffling as many of their other policies. Local rumour ascribed it to the advice of fortune-tellers, who foretold revolt and disaster in Yangon.

继续阅读“[2008.05.10] Myanmar’s misery 缅甸的苦难”

[2008.05.10]Enter, pursued by a new bear 新熊入主克里姆林宫

Russia’s new president

Enter, pursued by a new bear

May 8th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The West should hang tough with President Dmitry Medvedev


IT HAS been a busy week in Moscow. First Dmitry Medvedev was inaugurated president. A day later his predecessor, Vladimir Putin, became his new prime minister. Then on May 9th Moscow planned to mark the annual Victory Day celebrations with the first parade of tanks and nuclear missiles through Red Square since the end of the cold war. What should the watching West make of all this?

继续阅读“[2008.05.10]Enter, pursued by a new bear 新熊入主克里姆林宫”

[2008.2.21] Japain 大涸时代

The world economy


Feb 21st 2008
From The Economist print edition

The world’s second-biggest economy is still in a funk—and politics is the problem                  世界第二大经济大国一蹶不振,政策不利竟是元凶

THE ghost of Japan’s “lost decade” haunts the United States. As the consequences of America’s burst housing bubble are felt through financial markets, it has become popular to ask whether Japan’s awful experience of boom-and-bust has lessons for other rich countries facing, at best, sharp slowdowns. Japan’s property-and-stockmarket bubble burst in 1990, creating bad loans equivalent in the end to about one-fifth of GDP. The economy began growing properly again only 12 years later, and only in 2005 could Japan say it had put financial stress and debt-deflation behind it. Even today the country’s nominal GDP remains below its peak in the 1990s—a brutal measure of lost opportunities.

继续阅读“[2008.2.21] Japain 大涸时代”

[2007.2.10][Leaders]Digital music : Music wants to be free

Digital music

Music wants to be free
数字音乐: 音乐要走向自由

Feb 8th 2007
From The Economist print edition

Everyone will benefit if digital music is sold without copy-protection

IT IS not often that the company that dominates an industry, and is thus most wedded to the status quo, calls for the rules that govern the business to be changed. But that is what happened this week when Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple—which dominates digital music with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store—published an essay on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music”.
  一家处于行业霸主地位的公司通常是最想保持现状的,所以我们很少见到一位行业霸主呼吁改变行业规则。但以iPod数字音乐播放器称霸数字音乐领域的苹果电脑上周就这么做了--苹果总裁斯蒂夫.钱伯斯( Steve Jobs)上周在公司网站上发表了一篇名字平实的文章,叫《关于音乐的一些思考》。

继续阅读“[2007.2.10][Leaders]Digital music : Music wants to be free”

[2006.10.08][Leaders]The Search for Talent

The Search for Talent

The world’s most valuable commodity is getting harder to find

THESE are heady days for most companies. Profits are up. Capital is footloose and fancy-free. Trade unions are getting weaker. India and China are adding billions of new cheap workers and consumers to the world economy. This week the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new high.

继续阅读“[2006.10.08][Leaders]The Search for Talent”

[2006.07.27] The future of globalization

Trade talks collapse

The future of globalization

Jul 27th 2006
From The Economist print edition

The wrecking of the world trade talks was senseless and short-sighted

WHEN the Middle East is ablaze, oil prices near record highs, the American economy cooling and the climate warming, it is hard to get excited about the beaching of trade talks. After all, globalisation is unstoppable: so what if a few technocrats in Switzerland packed up their briefcases and went home?

继续阅读“[2006.07.27] The future of globalization”