埃米尔·弗拉金: 他家地里挖出的东西是真是假?



Mar 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition



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Michael Foot 迈克尔•富特(最新修改)


Michael Foot

Michael Foot, politician and man of letters, died on March 3rd, aged 96


Mar 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

HE DIED a much-loved Englishman, renowed for his untidy shock of white hair, his shambling wanderings on Hampstead Heath with his dog Dizzy, his devotion to literature, and the modesty that allowed him, when leader of the Labour Party, to stand in his anorak waiting at the bus stop. Deep into old age, half-blind, he never failed to keep up with the latest works on his great loves, Shelley and Byron, and to hold forth over breakfast—several eggs running all over his plate—about the latest troubles of his beloved party, and its prospects for the future.
     他,名叫迈克尔•富特(Michael Foot),一位备受爱戴的英吉利人——带着他引人注目的一头蓬乱的白发、带着他在普斯泰德西斯公园牵着小狗迪齐蹒跚闲行的身影、带着他对文学的挚爱、还带着他任工党党魁时,身着风帽夹克在站台候车所赢得的谦逊美名——离开了人间。进入高龄后,他几近失明,雪莱和拜伦的作品,乃其至爱,一俟新评问世,他必关注;而且,在早餐(那早餐是几枚在餐盘中来回滚动的鸡蛋)时侃侃而谈,谈论他所爱戴的工党的困境和未来。

He was not always so popular. As a left-wing journalist working for the right-wing proprietor Max Beaverbrook before, during and after the war, the vituperative scorn of his prose injured those who did not realise that it masked a complete lack of personal malice. But age and familiarity smoothed the sharp edges. “Sweet man, Michael,” remarked Anthony Crosland, a revisionist socialist who, in the 1970s, had spent most of his time fighting him.


The leadership of the Labour Party was not a job which—for most of his life—he sought. When Jim Callaghan stood down as leader in 1980, the two men most likely to succeed him were Denis Healey on the right and Peter Shore on the left. But Mr Foot, by then 67, had developed a certain fond vanity which was worked on by a Machiavellian trade-union leader, Clive Jenkins, to persuade him to stand. The result was the worst disaster that could have befallen Mr Foot. He won.   

     出任工党党魁不是富特一生中大部分时间里所寻求的事业。1981年,吉姆•卡拉汉作为[工党]党魁下台时,最有可能接替他的两个人是[党内]右翼派系的丹尼斯•希利和左翼派系的彼得•肖尔。 那时的富特已经67岁,心里开始滋生出几分骄傲自满,一位狡猾的工会领袖正是利用这一点,劝说他挺身参选,而最终的结果则是他最不愿意看到的—-他赢了。

The Labour Party then was a veritable Bermuda triangle, containing both ardent followers of the left-wing policies advocated by Tony Benn, and a right-wing group, led by Roy Jenkins, which was threatening to start a new centre party. Mr Foot’s appeal was that, being of the left but not of the far left, he could hold this combustible mixture together.


To a degree, he did. The breakaway was contained. Mr Foot accepted most of the policies of the left, including unilateral nuclear disarmament which he had always agreed with, and many others that he hadn’t. This was just enough to preserve his party broadly intact. Unfortunately, it also made it unelectable. In the 1983 general election, fought on a manifesto described by one shadow minister as “the longest suicide note in history”, the party started badly and finished worse.


Even before the election, Mr Foot was not an effective leader. He dithered terribly. At one point, he insisted in the Commons that Peter Tatchell, a left-winger, would never be a Labour candidate while he was leader. A little later, he decided that he could be. Most voters could not conceive of him as a plausible prime minister. He seemed to come from another age, perhaps the 19th century, a West Country radical in his family’s best tradition. He could not get the hang of television, and horrified the country by appearing at the Cenotaph one Remembrance Day in a short, scruffy coat. By the time he stepped down gratefully after his defeat, he seemed a tragi-comic figure.


Flying with Hazlitt


His political judgment was dodgy from the beginning. In 1974-75, when he first went into government as employment secretary, he was responsible for relations with the trade unions. In the words of one cabinet member of the time, “The relationship was one of give-and-take. The government gave and they took.” Industrial subsidies, housing subsidies, even food subsidies flowed out in an effort to buy low pay settlements. All were enthusiastically supported by Mr Foot. None made a jot of difference to escalating wage agreements.

     富特的政治辨别力自始就不怎么样。 1974至75年期间,他第一次进入政府内阁,出任劳工部大臣,在处理与工会的关系上,他是应受指责的。用当时一位政府内阁成员的话说:“这种相互妥协的关系变成一边倒。政府给,他们取”。工业补贴、住房补贴、甚至食物补贴大量花掉,以求与工会达成低工资协议。所有这一切都得到了富特先生满腔热忱的支持。但在免于形成高工资协议上毫无效果。

Mr Foot was slow to realise this. But once he had, he entered perhaps the most effective period of his political life. In an extraordinary speech to his party’s conference in 1976, he quoted Joseph Conrad: “Always facing it, Captain MacWhir. That’s the way to get through. Always facing it—that’s the way we’ve got to solve this problem.” By 1978 the economy was back on an even keel and Labour was neck-and-neck in the polls.


But Mr Foot, by then the leader of the House of Commons, convinced himself that his party would lose an election that October. More important, he convinced the prime minister. The election was postponed to the spring of 1979. The “winter of discontent”, with widespread strikes, intervened.This was the first of two elections which Mr Foot delivered to Margaret Thatcher on a plate.


He could seem unworldly. As a minister, he once boarded a plane to a Socialist International conference in Europe without a penny in foreign currency, carrying only a leather-bound volume of Hazlitt. Yet in one sense, he was entirely worldly. He had an instinctive understanding of people. He wrote beautifully and, after overcoming a stammer, was a wonderful orator: humorous, self-deprecating, empathetic. He could be a hater—anyone who failed to perceive the genius of his hero Aneurin Bevan, whose biography he wrote, had best look out—but he was incapable of sustained malevolence.


Over the last few years of his life, Mr Foot contemplated writing a serious work of socialist philosophy. Instead, he embarked on a biography of an eccentric literary genius, H.G. Wells. In the end, that seemed to suit him better.


注1:Hazlitt——黑兹利特 (1778-1830),英国小品作家和文学评论家


J.D.Salinger 他的人生是他最后收工的作品: 塞林格



J.D. Salinger

Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

Jerome David Salinger, writer, died on January 28th, aged 91


PEOPLE kept sneaking year after year to the place on the hill in Cornish, New Hampshire, but the Great American Writer was almost never seen. Ageing rebels, second-year master’s students with lacquered nails, broad-shouldered phonies in Norfolk jackets, snappers from Newsweek, all approached the cringing, little house where he had lived, or battened down, or holed up—you, general reader, can choose the word you please—ever since a great wave of fame had broken over him in 1953, two years after he happened to write a book called “The Catcher in the Rye”.


They caught a glimpse of him sometimes, with his haughty head, angular and bug-eyed, getting groceries in the village; but he gave them the slip almost always. The truth of it was that though his book might be on all the syllabuses, picked over by the academicians, hailed as the authentic voice of every teenager who had ever squeezed a pimple or tried, drawing himself up tall, to order a Scotch and soda, his life was nobody’s godammed business. If his dream was to live in the woods, with a fireplace and a typewriter and sheaves of notes hooked on the wall, almost like a deaf-mute in his dealings with the world, that was his affair.


He was not just away in Cornish, he was also above. (The italics were his own.) From above, Holden Caulfield, the hero of “Catcher”, first entered his story to look down on the distant football game between Saxon Hall and Pencey Prep, all those little running figures of whom he was not one, because he was outside and expelled. The writer who truly lived for his art—who made it, as Mr Salinger did, his religion, along with Vedanta and Zen and the Tao—did not descend and did not integrate. He defended until death, or non-publication, the sanctity of his words. A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James. And admit that after Melville there had been no really good American writer until—Salinger.


But that—wait—was not necessarily the name he answered to. In his short stories, a scant three dozen of them, rounding off the whole oeuvre, he gradually took the name and voice of Buddy Glass, a fortyish and paunchy short-story writer who had ended up in an English Department. And Glass in turn wrote obsessively, devotedly, as if of some plaster saint, about his elder brother Seymour, his Literary Ideal. Buddy was the working-writer Salinger, the man who had laboured in 1939-43 to get stuff into Esquire and the Saturday Evening Post, while all the time disdaining those slicks and lusting after the New Yorker—which, in 1948, took him into its embrace. But Seymour was “all real things to us: our blue-striped unicorn, our doublelensed burning glass, our consultant genius, our portable conscience…our one full poet.” He would open the door, blow “three or four or five unquestionably sweet and expert notes on a cornet”—and then disappear.

等一下,他并不一定只有“塞林格”这一个名字。在他的短篇小说里(一共写了为数不多的三十几篇,和其它作品一块儿组成了他的全部作品),他慢慢开始借用巴蒂·格拉斯的名字和声音来说自己的话,这是一个四十来岁、大腹便便的短篇小说作家,最后沦为一名大学英语系教师。而格拉斯则痴迷专注地在写一个人,一个好似圣人一样的人——他的哥哥西摩,他的文学典型。巴蒂是那个以写作为职业的塞林格,是那个在1939-1943年间笔耕不辍只为把自己写的东西弄到《君子》杂志和《周六晚邮报》上的那个人,但却始终厌恶那些纸质上等、内容空乏的报刊,而垂涎于《纽约客》杂志——在1948年,将其揽入怀抱。但是西摩“对于我们来说则是全部的真实:他是我们的蓝带独角兽,我们的复式凸透镜,我们的天才咨询师,我们的是非活手册……我们唯一的大诗人。” 他会推开门,“在短号上吹出三个、四个或者五个音符,悦耳且专业那是自不用说”——然后消失掉。

On the cliff-edge


In time the Glass family thoroughly eclipsed the Salingers in the mind of the man in Cornish. But they were often the same. He too was “of part-Jewish, part-Irish, and conceivably part-Minotaur extraction”, brought up comfortably on the upper West Side with bellhops and cab-rides to Macy’s, and educated in schools like Pencey Prep. There, in Holden Caulfield mode, he failed to apply himself in almost everything except English composition; and so, although icily sardonic in conversation and convinced he would be a “superlative” writer, he never made the Ivy League. That hurt all his life.


Salinger or Glass, he lived on his nerves. After his war service he could feel his mind teeter like insecure luggage and his fingers bump together, his f-a-c-u-l-t-i-e-s not intact. In the opinion of some lofty experts they never quite cohered again. Hence his hatred of photographs, blurbs, potted biographies and all else that might besmirch the plainness of a book-jacket—as well as the increasing weirdness of the work, thousands upon thousands of words about Seymour which both laboured to idolise and failed to describe, culminating in 1965 in “his” letter from summer camp, “Hapworth 16, 1924” in the ever- and over-indulgent New Yorker.


Perhaps, said the hacks to the paparazzi as they climbed the hill again, it had all been hype; apart from a hawk-sharp ear for dialogue, and a keen, tender eye for the tricksiness of children, he had never shown half as much literary talent as talent for publicity-by-intrigue. There were said to be unpublished manuscripts in his safe; most pundits were happy to wait.


What they did not always realise, as their cars left tyre-ruts on his property, was exactly what Mr Salinger had been doing there. He said he wrote just for himself; but he was also “the most terrific liar”. As Holden Caulfield, he had famously seen himself on the edge of “some crazy cliff”, watching thousands of children at play in a big field of rye, and “What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff.” Eight years later the idea recurred as he wrote “Seymour: An Introduction”. He felt he was “removing, at least for a minute or two, all the detonators from all the bombs in this bloody world.”

但是,当他们把轮胎印留在他的“领地”上的同时,他们并不总是搞得懂塞林格到底在那儿做着什么。他说他只为自己写作;但是他同时也是“最会撒谎的人”。作为霍尔顿·考菲尔德,他看见了自己的理想状态:站在“那混账的悬崖边”,看着在一大片麦田里玩耍的上千个孩子,“我要做的就是守望,如果有哪个孩子朝悬崖处来,我就要把它捉住。” 八年后,在他写作《西摩:小传》时,这种想法再次浮现。他觉得他正在“拆除这个混账世界里所有炸弹上的所有雷管,至少也会拆个一两分钟。”

Not ignoring it, then; not hiding from it; frankly, if you believed him, saving it.
