[2008.06.21] A cultural history 拳击的文化渊源


A cultural history

Jun 19th 2008
From The Economist print edition

PUGILISTS and aesthetes are not necessarily in opposing corners. In a history of the sport that dates back to Homer, Virgil and other ancient fight fans, Kasia Boddy, a lecturer in English at University College London, examines the strange attraction boxing holds for highbrow folk. She provides much merriment along the way as she explores the ways professional fighters excite the imagination of writers, artists and intellectuals.
拳击家和美学家未必就凑不到一块儿。一位伦敦大学学院的教师,Kasia Boddy,研究了从荷马、维吉尔等搏击痴迷者的时代开始,在体育运动史中,拳击对那些智者的奇特吸引力。在她探索技艺纯熟的搏击者如何激发作家、艺术家和思想家想象力的过程中,她发现了一些很有趣的东西。

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[2008.06.21] Hot love in the cold war 冷战中的热恋


Hot love in the cold war

Jun 19th 2008
From The Economist print edition

TERROR, stagnation, exile, hope and disillusion are the fabric of Russian history in the last century. These are also the backdrop for Owen Matthews’s poignant history of his family’s battle with Soviet bureaucracy at its most callous and Western officialdom at its most complacent.
恐怖、萧条、放逐、希望和觉醒,构成了俄国上世纪历史的主旋律。而就在这样的背景下,Owen Matthews的家族,书写着他们那充满心酸的,不断地跟苏联那些冷酷无情的干部们和西方诸多傲慢自大的官员们斗争的历史。

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[2008.06.14] Consumer fuel cells 寻找永恒

 Consumer fuel cells

In search of forever

Jun 12th 2008
From The Economist print edition

As a source of power for cars, fuel cells have been a disappointment. For laptops and mobile phones, they are just about to take off

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