The Supreme Court
Following Souter
May 7th 2009 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition
Barack Obama has a chance to rejuvenate the Supreme Court’s liberal wing
DAVID SOUTER (second from right, above) is a singular character. Though wealthy, he lives the life of Diogenes. He lunches frugally at his desk, typically on yogurt and an apple, which he eats to the core. He seldom goes out. He has no time for modern distractions such as television. But most unusually of all, despite having life tenure as a judge on the Supreme Court, he is planning to retire at the tender age of 69.
大卫•苏特 (图上方从右边数起第二位)是个非凡的人物。尽管他很富有,却过着如第欧根尼(古希腊哲学家,犬儒学派的代表人物,据说第欧根尼住在一个木桶里,所拥有的所有财产包括这个木桶、一件斗篷、一支棍子、一个面包袋——译者注)般的生活。他中午就在办公桌旁简单地吃点东西,通常是酸奶和一只苹果,而且他会把苹果吃得只剩果核,一点也不愿浪费。他极少出门,从不把时间浪费在诸如电视等现代社会中令人分心的事物上。但是最不寻常的是,尽管拥有最高法院法官这一终生职位,他还是计划在69岁这个相对较轻的年龄卸甲归田(读者也许会问,69岁还年轻吗?不妨来看看现任首席法官罗伯茨之前的三任美最高法院首席法官离职时的年龄:威廉•伦奎斯特,81岁,任上病死;沃伦•伯格,79岁,主动退休;厄尔•沃伦,78岁,主动退休——译者注)。