Following Souter

The Supreme Court

Following Souter

May 7th 2009 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition

Barack Obama has a chance to rejuvenate the Supreme Court’s liberal wing


DAVID SOUTER (second from right, above) is a singular character. Though wealthy, he lives the life of Diogenes. He lunches frugally at his desk, typically on yogurt and an apple, which he eats to the core. He seldom goes out. He has no time for modern distractions such as television. But most unusually of all, despite having life tenure as a judge on the Supreme Court, he is planning to retire at the tender age of 69.

大卫•苏特 (图上方从右边数起第二位)是个非凡的人物。尽管他很富有,却过着如第欧根尼(古希腊哲学家,犬儒学派的代表人物,据说第欧根尼住在一个木桶里,所拥有的所有财产包括这个木桶、一件斗篷、一支棍子、一个面包袋–译者注)般的生活。他中午就在办公桌旁简单地吃点东西,通常是酸奶和一只苹果,而且他会把苹果吃得只剩果核,一点也不愿浪费。他极少出门,从不把时间浪费在诸如电视等现代社会中令人分心的事物上。但是最不寻常的是,尽管拥有最高法院法官这一终生职位,他还是计划在69岁这个相对较轻的年龄卸甲归田。

He loves judging but hates Washington, DC. He calls it the worst city in the world, though he has barely travelled. He yearns to return to his home in a tiny hamlet in New Hampshire, a dilapidated wooden farmhouse where he lives alone. His announcement, on May 1st, sent ripples of excitement through the city he despises. President Barack Obama now has a chance to pep up the court’s liberal wing with a youthful replacement.


The Supreme Court matters. Its nine members decide what the constitution means. When there is doubt as to whether a law, a president or the actions of a local police department are lawful, the nine get the final say. Their decisions cannot be overruled, except by a future Supreme Court or a constitutional amendment. And they are appointed for life.


Small wonder that confirmation hearings for nominees are ferocious. One jurist with superb qualifications was scuppered when it was revealed that, at the age of 12, he had described the film “To Kill a Mockingbird” as “kind of boring”. Obviously a racist, concluded the Senate. Another candidate had once offered to marry his girlfriend if she was pregnant. This proved he was “maniacally” opposed to abortion, said the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, a windbag who “had uttered his first full sentence at the age of 14 months and hadn’t stopped since.”


These, as it happens, are scenes from “Supreme Courtship”, an amusing novel by Christopher Buckley. But reality is not so far removed from satire. When Robert Bork, a learned conservative judge, was nominated to the Supreme Court in 1987, Ted Kennedy called him a “Neanderthal” who would bring back segregated lunch counters and slam the courthouse doors “on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of…individual rights.” Mr Bork was not confirmed. Clarence Thomas, a black conservative, was narrowly confirmed in 1991, but only after enduring what he called a “high-tech lynching” over allegations that he sexually harassed a colleague.


Mr Souter, who was picked by President George Bush senior in 1990, escaped with only a light hazing, largely because he was so little known. At the time of his nomination he had been an appeals court judge for only two months. Mr Bush figured that Senate Democrats would be unable to attack his record because there was no record to attack.


This brilliant plan backfired. Mr Bush had been assured that Mr Souter was a staunch conservative; he proved to be anything but. Pro-lifers who expected him to help overturn Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a right to abortion, were disappointed. He had a chance to scrap it in 1992. Instead, he reaffirmed it. The same year, he joined a 5-4 majority upholding the ban on prayer in public schools. And in 2000, in Bush v Gore, he voted against automatically awarding the presidency to the son of the man who nominated him. As some readers will recall, he lost that one. He is said to have considered resigning.

这个聪明的计划却产生了令人失望的结果。老布什当时得到保证说苏特是个不折不扣的保守派;但事实证明他除了保守派什么都是。反对堕胎的人士寄希望于他会帮助推翻罗伊诉韦德案(编号410 U.S. 113,是美最高法院于1973年作出的关于堕胎的地标性裁决,结果为最高法院以7-2的比数,认定德州刑法限制妇女堕胎权的规定,违反宪法增修条文第14条”due process/正当法律程序”条款,Harry Blackmun法官代表法院为此案写了极为精彩的判词,其中追本溯源,甚至分析了历史上的波斯帝国、希腊城邦、罗马帝国等时期对生命权和堕胎的态度–译者注),1973年最高法院对该案的判决中认可了堕胎权,但是苏特让他们失望了。1992年时他本有机会推翻这一判决,而他却选择再次确认判决的正确性。同年,他投票支持不许在公立学校举行祷告的禁令,从而使其以5-4微弱多数通过。而在2000年的布什诉戈尔案(编号531 U.S. 98,是美国司法史上一个存在很大争议的判决。结果为最高法院以5-4的比数判定佛罗里达应于判决做出的当天2000年12月12日停止重新计票,从而将小布什送上了总统宝座–译者注),他投票反对自动将总统宝座授予提名他出任最高法院法官的那位总统的儿子。一些读者应该还记得,那次投票他输了。据说当时他曾经考虑过辞职。

In 2005 Mr Souter sparked another controversy by voting to allow the government to seize people’s homes and hand the land to private developers. The constitution allows the expropriation of private property for “public use”, such as building a road. In Kelo v New London, a town in Connecticut wanted to evict some homeowners and replace them with wealthier people and businesses who might pay higher taxes. Mr Souter and four other justices thought that was just fine. Outraged property-rights sticklers proposed to have Mr Souter’s home bulldozed and replaced with a hotel. They failed, of course, but most states have since passed laws curbing the power of local governments to grab land on behalf of private corporations.

2005年苏特引发了另一场争议,他投票支持一项允许政府没收居民住房并将土地交给私有开发商的法案。美国宪法允许征用私有地产作”公共用途”,例如建造公路。在凯洛诉新伦敦市案(编号545 U.S. 469,2005年。该案涉及拆迁和土地使用权的问题,结果最高法院以5-4微弱优势认定新伦敦市政府的行为是”公共用途”–译者注)中,康涅狄格州的一座城市(新伦敦市)的市政当局企图驱逐一些住房所有者并以更富有的人和商业机构取而代之,因为这些人可能带来更高的税收。苏特法官和另外四名法官(这四名法官分别为Anthony Kennedy,John Paul Stevens,Ruth Bader Ginsburg和Stephen Breyer–译者注)认为这不构成违宪。愤怒的死硬维护财产权分子建议用推土机把苏特法官的住宅夷为平地并在之上建造一座酒店。他们当然没能得逞,但是此后大多数州都通过相应法律来限制地方政府以私人企业名义征用土地的权力。

In the past year, in cases that were not decided unanimously, Mr Souter has voted 86% of the time with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court’s liberal lioness. He agreed with Samuel Alito, a young conservative, only 14% of the time. Republicans rate him one of the elder President Bush’s biggest mistakes. Democrats, having been pleasantly surprised, hope that Mr Obama does not hand them the other sort of surprise with his replacement.


That seems unlikely. With at least 59 Democrats in the 100-seat Senate, Mr Obama can be fairly sure that his choice will be confirmed. The question is: what sort of judge would he like? The answer is unclear. Although Mr Obama has taught constitutional law and edited the Harvard Law Review, his opinions on constitutional matters are hard to pin down.


When campaigning for the Democratic nomination, he told liberals what they wanted to hear. Addressing a Planned Parenthood conference in 2007, he said: “[W]e need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognise what it’s like to be a young teenage mom [or] poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old. And that’s the [criterion] by which I’ll be selecting my judges.”


For conservatives, this was alarming. Justice is supposed to be blind, not empathetic. As conservatives see it, liberal judges have repeatedly subverted the rule of law in recent decades by overruling elected lawmakers with scant constitutional justification. Roe v Wade, which relies on a constitutional right to privacy that is nowhere written in the constitution, is the most controversial example.


But as president Mr Obama has sent out mixed signals. On the one hand, he says he wants “someone who understands that justice isn’t about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a casebook. It is also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people’s lives.” That sounds like a prescription for judicial activism. But Mr Obama also says he wants “somebody who is dedicated to the rule of law, who honours our constitutional traditions… and the appropriate limits of the judicial role”. That is exactly what conservatives say they want.


So no one knows what to expect. Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman. Speculation swirls around Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge who grew up in poverty in the South Bronx after her father, a manual labourer from Puerto Rico, died when she was nine.


It could be no more than speculation, however. Unkind critics question Ms Sotomayor’s intellect. And she upset many with her ruling in Ricci v DeStefano, a case now before the Supreme Court. A group of white firefighters sued for racial discrimination when they were denied promotions. They had passed an aptitude test, but because none of their black colleagues passed, the city decided to promote no one. Ms Sotomayor sided with the city.

但是,这也仅仅是猜测而已。那些刻薄的批评家们怀疑索托马约尔女士的智商。而她在里奇诉迪斯特法诺案(编号07-1428 & 08-328,该案是一个affirmative action/积极平衡权益措施是否使用过度的典型案件,其中心问题是市政府是否可以拒绝承认那些将导致白人申请者获得升迁的几率将远高于少数族裔申请者的考试结果有效,因为害怕这样做将招来种族歧视的指控–译者注)中的判决也让很多人失望,而现在此案已经移送至最高法院审理。此案中,一群白人消防队员由于没能得到升迁后以种族歧视为由提起诉讼。他们都通过了一项能力测验,但是由于他们的黑人同事中没有一个人通过测验,市政府决定谁都不予提拔。索托马约尔女士站在了市政府一边。

The conventional wisdom about Mr Souter’s retirement is that an ageing liberal will simply be replaced by a younger one. On the most angrily debated issues, such as abortion, that may be true. And the court may soon be forced to rule on some aspect of gay marriage, although the states seem for now to be liberalising apace without direction from above. But Mr Souter does not entirely fit the liberal stereotype. For example, he complains about the “stark unpredictability” of the punitive damages that lawyers often urge juries to impose. Last year he wrote the majority opinion striking down a $2.5 billion award against Exxon for an oil spill in Alaska.


The next court could hear plenty of commercial cases, not least because the recession has spurred the federal government to involve itself more in private business. Mr Obama is propping up banks, managing car firms, re-writing mortgage contracts and chasing white-collar criminals. All these ventures raise legal questions. Mr Obama will want an ally on the Supreme Court; but as Mr Souter’s career attests, unsackable judges make unpredictable allies.




“Following Souter”的2个回复

  1. admirable,节奏流畅,云卷云舒!充分表现《经济学家》的洞察力!


  2. 我对singular character翻译成 非凡,不是很理解,我觉的从下文中他的行为独特来看,应该强调他的与众不同。


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