The end of the Labour government

Last, do no harm

Nov 19th 2009
From The Economist print edition

How Gordon Brown and the Labour Party should use their last months in power


TWO syndromes often beset governments whose time is almost up. One is listlessness and drift, as discipline crumbles, morale plummets and ideas dry up. Conversely, some moribund administrations embrace desperate hyperactivity to stave off their doom. Gordon Brown and his Labour government, facing probable defeat in the general election that must be held in Britain by next June, have alternately exhibited both these contradictory tendencies. But there is a course between them, and a respectable way for Labour to spend what are likely to be the last six months of a 13-year stint in office: confront the fiscal predicament it has helped to create, and pursue those worthwhile policies it has already got.

Labour has entered a strange political netherworld. It is not yet out of government; what it does still matters. But it is not altogether in power either. Its limbo status was dramatised in the Queen’s Speech on November 18th, a fancy-dress event that sets out the legislative programme (see article). No one believes Labour will have time to pass all the bills the queen enumerated. Much of the speech waspointless posturing.

In parts, however, it fitted a soak-the-rich pattern that began to emerge with the creation of a new top rate of income tax (to take effect next year), continued in Mr Brown’s abortive proposal of a financial-transactions tax and was visible in this week’s misguided attempt to control bankers’ bonuses (see article). Some in the Labour Party applaud these moves, seeing the final months in power as a chance to redeem years of timidity in a belated surge of social-democratic activism, emboldened by the resentful, banker-bashing public mood. Governing in this spirit in their limbo period might suit some Labour politicians—but it risks harming the country, by discouraging enterprise and driving wealth-creators away.

That is one temptation that Mr Brown should resist. Another is to say little more about how he proposes to reduce Britain’s deficit; the “fiscal responsibility bill” in the Queen’s Speech was a headline, not a plan. It matters to Britain’s financial credibility that Mr Brown has one, even if he never implements it. And it is in every party’s interests to prepare the country for the coming fiscal retrenchment. In the chancellor’s pre-budget report on December 9th—in reality a more important occasion than this week’s pageant—the government must be franker about where public spending might be cut.

Hippocratic, not hypocritical

But Labour could still manage some positive accomplishments too. Not by announcing pie-in-the-sky ambitions to make the lion lie down with the lamb by 2020; rather it should step up efforts to implement some of its existing policies. Welfare and education have been two of the biggest disappointments of the Labour era. But it at last has a credible idea of how to reduce Britain’s 5m-strong welfare rolls, by using private firms to help people trade benefits for wages. And, in its academies programme, it has a policy that has begun to improve secondary education. It should doggedly press ahead with both.

Another existing commitment that Mr Brown must concentrate on is the conflict in Afghanistan. Although, for much of his premiership, Mr Brown seemed to regard it as an encumbrance he reluctantly inherited from his gung-ho predecessor, he has recently made a better fist of explaining Britain’s bloody deployment in Helmand. All the same, Britons increasingly regard the war as unwinnable. While British troops remain in Afghanistan, Mr Brown must ensure that they have a feasible goal and the kit they need to achieve it, and that the public understands why they are fighting and dying there.

That ought to be enough. It is sometimes said that the Conservative opposition is seeking a “doctor’s mandate” from the electorate—that is, permission to perform the painful excisions that the public finances require. Mr Brown, who became prime minister through an internal party stitch-up and is flatlining in the polls, has a different, humbler sort of doctor’s remit. It is a negative one: last, do no harm.


  1. 感谢快速提交的好文!试改最后一句:

    Mr Brown, who became prime minister through an internal party stitch-up and is flatlining in the polls, has a different, humbler sort of doctor’s remit. It is a negative one: last, do no harm.




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