
The passing of Palin
Jul 9th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Sarah Palin will never be president. But her resignation leaves a gap in American politics

ON A trip to Alaska three years ago, Lexington watched a former small-town mayor perform in a Republican primary debate. One of her rivals was the sitting governor, a man of far greater political experience. She trounced him. Granted, he was so dull that even his campaign song admitted it. Still, it was an arresting performance.


Strange to recall, when John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running-mate last year, almost no one had heard of her. Now she is the most divisive figure in America. To mention her name at a dinner party in the highly educated liberal suburb where Lexington lives is to ask for trouble. “Moron”, “idiot” and “megalomaniac” are some of the gentler epithets that will be used. Some will admit to hating her. Many will guffaw at her trashy family. Yet half the country loves her.


A Pew poll last month found that Americans’ opinions of Mrs Palin were evenly balanced. A hefty 44% took a dim view of her, while 45% took a rosy one. Among Republicans, she scored a whopping 73% approval rating, far outpacing any other plausible contender for the party’s presidential nomination in 2012. Of course, that poll was taken before she announced, on July 3rd, that she would step down as governor of Alaska without finishing her term. This bombshell was unexpected, and makes it highly unlikely that she will ever be president. Asked what they seek in a commander-in-chief, few Americans cite a tendency to cut and run when the going gets tough.


Mrs Palin may know this. She may have decided that the hazing of a presidential campaign is simply not worth the uncertain reward. Her resignation speech was rambling and often incoherent, but she made it clear that she has not had much fun of late. Before she was thrust under the national spotlight, she was an extremely popular governor who got on well with Democrats and worked with them on practical projects such as a gas pipeline. Now, she complains, the Democrats in Alaska won’t work with her any more. “Political operatives” have descended on the state to dig up dirt and file ethics complaints against her. This has saddled her with half a million dollars in legal bills and made her job impossible. She also mentioned not liking some of the press coverage she and her family have endured.


To half the country, this sounds like pathetic whining. Politics is a tough business. If you can’t cope with harsh criticism, perhaps you should find a less demanding line of work, such as making lucrative speeches to friendly audiences. To the other half of the country, however, Mrs Palin’s complaints ring true. And the divide is largely a cultural one. Many liberal or well-educated Americans feel it their patriotic duty to point out that the Caribou Barbie is far too ignorant to be allowed anywhere near the White House. But many rural and working-class whites adore her, and resent the way she has been ridiculed.


This divide matters. Many Americans want as president someone who is exceptionally well-informed about public policy, who surrounds himself with experts, who weighs the evidence and then does what is best for the country. But few people are policy experts, so they often follow their hearts rather than their heads when deciding whom to vote for. Often, they assume that someone culturally similar to themselves will be more likely to look out for their interests. And that is why Mrs Palin is still so popular. There are an awful lot of Americans who see her as one of their own. She talks like them. She guts her own fish. She wears her faith on her sleeve. She obviously didn’t go to Harvard. And when people who did call her stupid or mock her faith or her family, her fans take it personally.


The kind of people who support Mrs Palin have several grievances. They are less well-educated than the American average, so the labour market has been unkind to them for years. They are often white and male, but they do not feel privileged and they often chafe at the way affirmative-action policies discriminate against them. In short, they are the Republican Party’s base. There are not enough of them to decide a general election, but more than enough to decide a primary. And that leaves the Republicans in a bind. Party bigwigs do not want Mrs Palin to be their nominee, not least because they think she would be sure to lose to Barack Obama. They hope that her resignation has opened a space for a less polarising and more competent candidate.


Rudderless Republicans
But who? Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina and a prominent fiscal conservative, disqualified himself last month by giving a news conference to explain how much he loved his mistress. Tim Pawlenty, the governor of Minnesota, is young, moderate and evangelical but has yet to set national pulses racing. Mitt Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, is doing well in the polls. As a successful businessman and the architect of his state’s universal health-insurance system, he passes the competence test. But he lacks the common touch. Jon Huntsman, a former governor of Utah and soon-to-be ambassador to China, is impressive but little known. Mike Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas and Baptist preacher, is charismatic but too preachy for some. None of these candidates has Mrs Palin’s star power.

可谁是这个人呢?南卡罗来纳州州长马克 桑福德,一个极富声望的财政保守主义者,上月开了一个记者会,阐明他对情妇那深深的爱,于是已经从人选中被剔除。明尼苏达州州长蒂姆 波朗迪年轻,温和还是基督徒,却还没有让整个国家为之着迷。前马萨诸塞州州长密特 罗姆尼在民意调查中成绩不错。过去作为一个成功的商人和麻州全民医疗保险系统的设计师,罗姆尼的能力可以通过考验。但他缺的是平易近人的感觉。前犹他州州长亨特曼即将赴任驻中国大使,他令人印象深刻但却不是家喻户晓。前阿肯色州州长麦克 哈克比是个浸礼会牧师,讲话有领袖魅力但在有些人看起来太像布道了。这些候选人,没有一个有佩林女士的明星效应。

The primaries are nearly three years away, so much could change. If the economy recovers, Mr Obama will be hard to beat. But if unemployment stays high and the debt looks terrible he is in trouble. The same goes for the Democrats in Congress. Their majorities are so large that the Republicans will probably fail to recapture either the House or the Senate in 2010. But they could well make gains. The key test will be whether the party can find a leader who will enthuse its Palin wing without pandering to it. And that will be harder than a frozen moose. You betcha.



  1. strangely enough,文中的无人称主句翻译时几乎无一例外被处理成了第一人称。本来很客观的陈述,马上显得主观性十足。

  2. 为什么在中文翻译里会用’我’这个第一人称? 英文里没有用过一个’I’,明显作者不想以第一人称说事吧.

  3. 翻译很好。

    把莱克星顿拟人化成 “我” 很厉害。

    第三段的这句“上月的一份佩尤机构发出一份调查” 疏忽了。

    上月佩尤机构的一份调查显示: 美国人民对佩林的态度是一半一半,高达44%的选民不支持她,而另外45%的选民则认为她会胜出。

  4. She wears her faith on her sleeve。感觉原译文翻译不妥。应该是“轻易表露自己的真实想法和喜恶”,这一点恰恰说明了佩林的政治幼稚。

  5. 借鉴LZ成果和各位点评,第一段我试译如下:


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