Carmaking in France

Mover and shaker 风雨飘摇的法国汽车业

Apr 2nd 2009
From The Economist print edition

Christian Streiff makes another exit
Christian Streiff亦遭辞退。

IF GENERAL MOTORS’ Rick Wagoner was fired for not being confrontational enough, the other car boss to lose his job last weekend, Christian Streiff, was almost certainly ousted from PSA Peugeot Citroen for precisely the opposite reason.

如果说通用前CEO瓦格纳被解雇的原因对抗危机能力不足,那么上周另一家汽车公司——标致雪铁龙公司(PSA Peugeot Citroen)——CEO Christian Streiff被炒几乎肯定就与此相反了

Mr Streiff called the decision by the board of Europe’s second-biggest carmaker to get rid of him without warning “incomprehensible”. In some ways it was. During his two-and-a-bit years running the family-controlled firm, Mr Streiff cut costs, sped up development of new cars and improved quality. On his watch Citroen was restored from being a cheap and cheerful discount brand to something like its former glory.


Even so, there were problems. Mr Streiff has a habit of trying to shake things up just a bit more than the boards he serves find tolerable. That bullishness led to his removal from Saint-Gobain in 2005, when on the verge of becoming the building-materials firm’s chief executive, and his abrupt departure from Airbus in 2006 after only 100 days at the controls.


At PSA, it looked at first as if Mr Streiff had learnt to be more diplomatic. But when some of his plans met internal opposition, he went ahead without checking that he had the support of the Peugeot family, which owns 45% of the voting stock. His authority may also have been weakened by health problems last year. Mr Streiff insists his health is now fine, but critics suggested he was no longer at the top of his game when the industry’s crisis required nothing less.


Mr Streiff courted further controversy when, two days after negotiating a Euro 3 billion ($3.9 billion) loan from the French government in February, he announced 11,000 job losses on top of the 18,000 he had already culled. President Nicolas Sarkozy’s displeasure would not have gone unnoticed by Thierry Peugeot, PSA’s chairman. Mr Streiff will be succeeded by Philippe Varin, former chief executive of Corus, a steelmaker, and a notably smooth operator.

2月份在协议获得法国政府30亿欧元(39亿美元)贷款的两天后,Streiff先生宣布除了已裁的1.8万人,再裁员1.1万人,就再次引发了争论。PSA主席Thierry Peugeot不会注意不到总统萨克齐的不悦。钢铁企业Corus的前首席执行官Philippe Varin将接替Streiff先生,而他处事尤为圆滑。




  1. his abrupt departure from Airbus in 2006 after only 100 days at the controls

    but critics suggested he was no longer at the top of his game when the industry’s crisis required nothing less.


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