[2009.04.23] Battle of ideas 知识战争

Intellectual property in China

Battle of ideas

Apr 23rd 2009
From The Economist print edition

Chinese companies are enforcing patents against foreign firms

FOR over a decade Schneider Electric of France has bombarded a Chinese firm, Chint Group, with lawsuits accusing it of copying its technology. But the tables turned on April 15th when the two companies settled an infringement case—with the French firm forking over $23m to Chint. The rich settlement against a foreign firm is a landmark. It serves as a reminder that Chinese companies are just as eager to defend patents as Western firms, and that China’s intellectual-property regime has been tightened in recent years.
事隔法国施耐德电气(Schneider Electric of France)起诉正泰集团(Chint Group)抄袭其技术已愈十年了。但从4月15日两公司对于产权侵害案的了结结果来看,这种位置似乎颠倒了过来,这次法国公司不得不向正泰集团支付2300万美元($23,000,000)的赔偿金。这次针对外国公司的高额和解金无疑具有里程碑式的意义。它警示人们中国公司同西方公司一样渴望保护他们的专利权,中国的知识产权制度在近年来也得到了加强。

Long the workshop of the world, China wants to be the brains as well. The country’s patent office leads the world in patent applications, more than 800,000 of which were filed in 2008. Most are for “petty” patents: middling technology that undergoes minimal review and receives only a 10-year term. Such patents are usually derided by research-intensive Western firms—but Schneider was stung by one that had been issued to Chint. And Chinese firms are increasingly filing “invention” patents that are rigorously scrutinised and receive 20 years of protection, as in the West (see chart). This year Chinese companies are poised to surpass foreign ones in receiving invention patents in China.

With the rush for patents has come an increase in disputes. Since 2006 more patent lawsuits have been filed in China than anywhere else, even litigious America. Most pit domestic firms against each other, but in recent years foreigners have found themselves on the receiving end too. In December Samsung, a South Korean conglomerate, was ordered to pay compensation to Holley, a Chinese telecoms firm. The recent victories and lucrative awards will open the floodgates to more suits, predicts Tony Chen of Jones Day, a law firm.
如此迅速的专利申请引发了愈来愈多的争端。2006年起,中国的专利诉讼案比国外的越来越多,即使是相对于好诉讼的美国。大多数是源于国内公司的相互竞争,但近年来,外国公司发现他们自己也成了被诉讼对象。12月韩国三星公司(Samsung, a South Korean conglomerate)被勒令支付赔偿华立(Holley,一家中国电信公司)。最近的胜诉及丰厚的回报将打开更多诉讼的闸门,美国众大律师事务所(Jones Day)的陈拓(Tony Chen)说道。

Intellectual property is relatively new to China. Patents date back to Venice in the 15th century, but Communist China did not allow them until 1985. Since 2006 it has pursued a deliberate policy of gathering as many patents as possible and developing home-grown technologies—not least because Chinese companies pay around $2 billion a year in licensing and royalties to American firms alone, according to America’s Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Chinese firms are also increasingly seeking patents abroad, a sign that they plan to protect their technology when exporting it to rich countries. They won 90 patents in America in 1999 but last year they received 1,225. That is still relatively few—IBM, an American technology giant, receives around 3,000 a year—but it is increasing quickly. Because it takes three to five years to issue a patent, the number issued to Chinese firms is expected to soar soon. The quality of patents issued in China is also improving. Revisions to the patent law that take effect in October strengthen the requirement for a patent’s novelty, bringing it up to global standards. Stronger patents are easier to enforce, opening the door to more lawsuits.

All these trends are important because countries that create intellectual property eventually enforce it as well, explains Dominique Guellec of the OECD. America, it is worth remembering, was the great copyright and patent infringer when it was a developing country in the 18th century.
所有这些趋势都是重要的,因为国家不仅在创造知识产权,而且在有效地执行它,经合组织(OECD) 的Dominique Guellec解释到。我们应当铭记的是,18世纪处于发展阶段的美国也是一个不折不扣的版权和专利的侵犯国。


译者/jiwenwen: http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=18873&extra=page%3D1

“[2009.04.23] Battle of ideas 知识战争”的9个回复

  1. 翻译的很好,辛苦了呢。

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