[2008.05.22]Strait is the gate 海峡之门开启

Taiwan’s new president

Strait is the gate

May 22nd 2008 | TAIPEI
From The Economist print edition
2008年5月22日 台北

Ma sets out his stall. China’s buying, and, for now, so are Taiwan’s people

WHEN Taiwan’s new president, Ma Ying-jeou, made his inaugural speech on May 20th, he was listened to closely not just by the voters who elected him in March but by the Chinese government. It was a foretaste of the job he has taken on. Central to the task will be to balance the pursuit of better China ties with safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty.
5月20 日,台湾新任总统马英九发表就职演说。此时倾听演说的不光是三月大选中支持他的台湾选民,大陆政府也正细听其言。他的工作才刚刚开始,其任内最重大的问题是如何在发展两岸关系与保持台湾主权之间取得平衡。

Mr Ma, 57, a Harvard-educated lawyer, succeeds Chen Shui-bian of the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Mr Chen, divested of presidential immunity, now faces a corruption investigation. Mr Ma pleased China by stressing the common heritage shared by people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. He courted local opinion, too, by praising the island’s four centuries of history and its new, vibrant democracy. But he distanced himself from Mr Chen’s confrontational policy towards the mainland.

Mr Ma reaffirmed the “1992 consensus” with China, under which both sides agree to accept there is “one China”, but differ over how to define it. In other words, the dispute over sovereignty is set aside in the interests of better relations. So he is committing himself to the maintenance of the present limbo, of Taiwan’s de facto but not de jure independence. He urged China to “seize the historic opportunity to achieve peace and co-prosperity”. Two days later a senior Chinese official gushed about the “major positive changes” in relations with Taiwan. Mr Ma’s campaign made much of the economic benefits of better relations with China.

Cross-strait talks should resume next month. In early July non-stop charter flights between the mainland and Taiwan are to start, and the first mainland tourists should arrive. But Mr Ma says he also wants to see progress on the space China allows Taiwan in the international arena. He may have a long wait. On the eve of his inauguration, Taiwan was again blocked by China from becoming an observer at the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

China is delighted to see the back of the DPP, preferring to deal with its former nemesis, Mr Ma’s governing party, the Kuomintang or KMT. But the KMT is split over its approach to the Communists, which may cripple the government’s authority in cross-strait talks. China is a past-master of divide-and-rule strategies.

In the latest high-level contact since Mr Ma’s election, the KMT’s chairman, Wu Poh-hsiung, is soon to visit Hu Jintao, China’s president and Communist Party leader. Mr Ma, however, has tried to stamp his personal authority on cross-strait relations with his choice of chairman for the government’s China-policy department, the Mainland Affairs Council. She is Lai Shin-yuan, an independence-minded former legislator. This irked the KMT’s pro-China lobby.

In his 20-minute speech, Mr Ma kept using the word “Taiwan” (as opposed to the old name, “the Republic of China”) to show his determination to protect the island. The aim was to map out a cunning path between “one China” and “Taiwan identity”. He will be beset from all sides as he tries to keep to it.

译者: houyhnhnm    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11552&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.05.22]Strait is the gate 海峡之门开启”的10个回复

  1. 马英九的无奈与妥协。马英九的父亲对子女的教育非常严格,而且都是用很传统的儒家文化,并且其父对马英九的期望非常高。我个人相信马英九使用“台湾”而不使用“中华民国”反映了他在个人理想上的妥协。作为华夏的子孙,一统河山是祖先(父辈)天天叮咛的也是我们许多人心中最高的理想。我相信马英九总统在现实面前选择了折衷,有可能最终不得不放弃自己的理想。

  2. So he is committing himself to the maintenance of the present limbo, of Taiwan’s de facto but not de jure independence.
    I think this should be translated to “他也确立维持台湾目前的处境, 即事实上但非法理上的独立”


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