[2008.09.29] 每日图表:不要指望存款保险

Deposit insurance

Don’t bank on it

Sep 29th 2008
From Economist.com

Are your life savings protected?

AS BANKS tumble like skittles, customers across the world are eyeing their cash nervously. Savings are protected in around 100 countries, with varying degrees of generosity. Those spooked by a run on a bank in Hong Kong this month may have been particularly nervous because only HK$100,000 ($12,860) of their cash is protected, including interest. Ireland has recently extended its limit from 20,000 ($29,337) to 100,000, to reassure savers. In America the first $100,000 is guaranteed for each depositor at each bank, while Britain’s savers are limited to £35,000 ($64,650) in one institution, although an increase is expected soon. It is not only a matter of how much is protected, of course, but also of how quickly and easily the savers would get it back.
如今银行纷纷倒闭,储户们都正紧张的盯着自己的存款。全球约有100个国家实行了存款保险制度,但存款保险的限额却不甚相同。本月香港一家银行遭遇挤兑风 潮,该银行的储户们或许会格外紧张,因为该银行的存款保险限额是10万港币,这还包括利息在内。为安抚储户,爱尔兰最近将其存款保险限额由2万欧元提至 10万欧元。在美国,每个储户在每家银行的存款中,只有第一笔10万美元存款得到保障。而在英国,这个数字则为3.5万英镑,尽管该限额有望于近期上调。现在的问题当然不仅是有多少钱得到了保障,更在于储户如何才能快速容易的取回自己的存款。

“[2008.09.29] 每日图表:不要指望存款保险”的2个回复

  1. 额,幸好在中国受金融风暴的影响比较小,看来以后存款也要小心,在中国当然基本没有银行倒闭的危险

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