[2008.09.17] 每日图表:为战火围困


Caught in the crossfire

Sep 17th 2008
From Economist.com

Civilian deaths in Afghanistan reach a new high

WHILE security in Iraq is getting a little better, in Afghanistan it continues to worsen. On Tuesday September 16th the UN reported that 1,445 civilians had been killed in the first eight months of 2008, 40% more than in the same period in 2007, as armed conflict between the coalition forces and the Taliban increased. Some 330 died in August, the highest monthly death toll since 2001. More than half have died at the hands of insurgents, mostly in bombings. But around 577 people were killed by pro-government forces, two-thirds of these in air strikes. Last month, an American attack killed up to 90 civilians, enraging many Afghans.
正当伊拉克的安全形势稍有起色时,阿富汗的安全形势持续恶化。9月15日周二,联合国称,随着联军和塔利班武装冲突的加剧,在2008年前8个月已有 1445名阿富汗平民死于战火,较2007年同比增长了40%。仅08年8月份就有330名平民遇难,这是自2001年以来单月平民死亡数量的新高。一半 以上的平民死于反叛武装之手,其中大部分死于炸弹袭击。但也有577人为亲政府的武装力量所杀,其中2/3死于空袭。上月,美军的一次攻击行动导致了多达 90名阿富汗平民的死亡,这引起了阿富汗民众的极大愤怒。


译者:dgrkl    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=14091&extra=page%3D1&frombbs=1

“[2008.09.17] 每日图表:为战火围困”的4个回复

  1. 是啊!中国真好啊 !尽管有毒饺子 有毒奶粉。。。。。。但是我们还是没有战争啊!所以啊!就知足吧!呵呵


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