[2008.06.21] Profit over patriotism 利大于义

China, Japan and Taiwan

Profit over patriotism

Jun 19th 2008 | TAIPEIAND TOKYO
From The Economist print edition
2008年6月19日 台北 东京

A new geographical discovery in Asia: a “sea of peace and co-operation”

THE simmering dispute between China and Japanover the East China Sea has long been high onthe list of possible regional flashpoints. It centres on China’s development of undersea natural gas andoil deposits straddling what Japansays is the borderline between the two countries’ exclusive economic zones. Adeal announced on June 18th allows Japanese investment in Chinese projects inreturn for a profit-share. At the very least, the dispute has fallen down theflashpoint list.

There were small demonstrations against thedeal in China.But they were a far cry from the wave of anti-Japanese protests three yearsago, when the dispute looked potentially nasty. All the fields are estimated tohold gas equivalent to just three weeks’ Japanese consumption but thegovernment had protested loudly at the appearance of Chinese survey vessels anddrilling platforms in the disputed area. Though on China’sside, extraction might take gas from Japan’s.

China ignored calls by Japanto suspend drilling. Planes and patrol vessels from both sides buzzed aroundthe disputed areas. Later in 2005 aChinese naval squadron appeared near the Chunxiao gasfield (known in Japaneseas Shirakaba). One of the ships turned its gun turret on a Japanesereconnaissance plane. Japanese politicians condemned China’s gunboat tactics and warnedof the risk of conflict.

In endless rounds of negotiations sincethen, China and Japan havestepped back from the brink. The principle of the gasfields’ joint developmenthas long been agreed. But a deal seemed elusive. Intervention from the top wasneeded but took a long time coming. It followed a visit by Hu Jintao to Japan lastmonth, the first in a decade by a Chinese president. Like Yasuo Fukuda, Japan’sprime minister, he champions better bilateral relations. This week Japan announced that its navy is to make anunprecedented port call in China.

For Mr Fukuda, the gas deal presages a”sea of peace and co-operation”. In the Chunxiao field, Japan will forma joint venture with two Chinese state-owned companies, with profits split inproportion to their investment. Both sides have agreed that the Longjing field,which more certainly extends across the median line, will in future also bedeveloped jointly, with costs and profits split. Agreement has yet to bereached on other fields.

The deal kicks matters of sovereignty downthe road. The UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea recognises economic rightsextending 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres) from a country’s shoreline. Butthe East China Sea is just 360 miles at itsbroadest. Japanclaims its boundary as the median line. But Chinasays its zone extends to the edge of the continental shelf, almost to Japan. Theconvention does not specify how to resolve overlapping claims.

Territorial matters remain prickly. Areminder came with the unintentional sinking on June 10th of a recreationalfishing boat from Taiwan bya Japanese patrol vessel near the Senkaku islands (Diaoyutai in Chinese), whichare controlled by Japan butclaimed by Taiwan and China. Thevessel picked up all 16 passengers and crew.

Given Taiwan’sChinese-imposed isolation, the island is keen to be on friendly terms with Japan, one ofthe few countries to grant Taiwanese visa-free entry. But over the Senkakus,Taiwanese show an emotional side. They were inflamed by Japan’s claimthat the Taiwanese skipper was to blame for the collision, and by only vagueexpressions of regret. The Taiwangovernment officially recalled its unofficial ambassador to Tokyo, deemed to be too pro-Japanese. And onJune 16th nine Taiwanese patrol vessels escorted a boatful of nationalists intoJapanese waters.

Mr Fukuda’s government is playing thematter down. Admitting the coastguard was heavy-handed, it promised to ensurethat legal claims for compensation ran smoothly. Japan’sman in Taiwancalled on the Taiwanese captain, but offered no formal apology. The matter maydie down. But the Chinese have cheekily suggested to the Japanese the jointdevelopment of possible gasfields around the Senkakus, too-which would be sureto rile Taiwan.

译者:  houyhnhnm  http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12208&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.06.21] Profit over patriotism 利大于义”的7个回复

  1. But the Chinese have cheekily suggested to the Japanese the joint development of possible gasfields around the Senkakus, too-which would be sure to rile Taiwan.

  2. “东海各油田的储量之和仅敷日本三周之需”


  3. 对于钓鱼岛我自认为,有一个争名和夺实的问题。钓鱼岛名属中国,实际上在日本人,特别是美国人的手里。

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