Barack Obama in Asia

Scaling the Asian wall

Nov 19th 2009 | BEIJING AND TOKYO
From The Economist print edition

The president pays Asia the compliment of courtesy; rewards are not immediate

IT TOOK Barack Obama nearly a year in office to get to East Asia. When he did, it was for an intensive nine-day obstacle course, which he tried to negotiate with the placatory charm and openness to dialogue that have marked his diplomacy. Unsurprisingly, it went down well, but produced little of substance.

The centrepiece of the trip was China, which he visited at a critical juncture in the world’s most important bilateral relationship. China handled the visit with ambivalence. It was keen to encourage Mr Obama’s friendly approach and his willingness to recognise China as a fellow great power. But it was also clearly nervous of a charismatic young president far better than China’s standoffish leaders at appealing to ordinary citizens (“voters”, as they are known in America).

The courteous but rigidly formal reception afforded Mr Obama stood in sharp contrast to that given the previous Democratic president to visit China, Bill Clinton, in 1998. Chinese television aired an interview with Mr Clinton and gave live coverage to his meeting with Chinese students and to a joint press conference with President Jiang Zemin. With Mr Obama, Chinese officials were careful to limit opportunities for embarrassment. In Shanghai, Mr Obama staged what the Americans described as a “town hall” meeting with young Chinese. It was shown only on Shanghai television, along with a painfully slow feed relayed through the internet.

Later, in Beijing, Mr Obama held a ritual meeting with reporters alongside President Hu Jintao. But unlike in 1998, no questions were allowed. Mr Hu grimly gripped his lectern as Mr Obama delivered a statement in which he spoke of the universality of America’s human-rights values. Mr Obama did not, however, seem inclined to goad his hosts at a time, as he put it, when the bilateral relationship “has never been more important to our collective future”. The decade since Mr Clinton’s visit has seen a huge shift in the relative balance of power. China’s hectic growth has made it an indispensable partner both in redressing global economic imbalances and in curbing carbon emissions.

Mr Obama’s trip predictably failed to produce breakthroughs on either issue, though a lengthy joint statement outlined measures to step up co-operation on developing clean energy. Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China’s exchange rate might become more market-driven, but there was no hint of agreement. One new area of co-operation is in outer space. The two countries declared a plan to open a dialogue on manned space flight, hitherto resisted by America because of the strong military links to China’s manned space programme.

The two sides announced that they would hold another dialogue on human rights by the end of February, their first such discussions in nearly two years. The dialogue has been sputtering on and off for nearly 20 years. But as usual during American presidential visits, China this week tried to keep dissidents out of sight. Several were reportedly rounded up by the police before the trip.

Officials displayed similar nervousness in their preparations for the “town hall” meeting in Shanghai. Chinese participants were coached beforehand on how they should pose their questions. They were also carefully selected. Many were members of the Communist Youth League, an organisation that grooms potential party members. America, Mr Obama said, would “always speak out” for its core principles. But as he also said, “more is to be gained when great powers co-operate than when they collide”.


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