[2008.06.07] Inglorious 毫不光彩



Jun 5th 2008 | MANAGUA
From The Economist print edition
2008年6月5日| 马那瓜

Daniel Ortega’s lacklustre return

IN 1979 Daniel Ortega led a socialist revolution against a notorious military dictator, going on to rule Nicaragua as head of the Sandinista movement until 1990. Last year he became president again after winning an election against a divided opposition. But his return to power has been inglorious: in a recent poll only 21% of respondents approved of him. Now there are fears that he intends to stay in power indefinitely. “No to dictatorship” reads the slogan scrawled across hoardings in Managua, the capital.
为推翻一位臭名远扬的军事独裁者,丹尼尔•奥尔特加在1979年领导了一场社会主义革命。随后,作为 桑地诺解放阵线的领导人,奥尔特加统治尼加拉瓜直到 1990年。去年,奥尔特加在竞选中击败四分五裂的反对党,再次担任尼加拉瓜的总统。不过,奥尔特加的重新执政并不光彩:最新的民调显示仅有21%的受访 者对其表示支持。现在,民众恐惧奥尔特加会长期掌权。在首都马那瓜,凌乱涂写在墙上的“拒绝独裁”的标语四处可见。

Mr Ortega is treading a delicate path. He has secured cheap oil and other aid from Hugo Chávez in Venezuela without falling out with the United States or the IMF. But as the poorest country in Central America Nicaragua is hardly prospering. Inflation has reached 19% and investors have been scared off by the president’s leftist rhetoric.
奥尔特加正走一条精心策 划的路线。奥尔特加已从委内瑞拉总统查韦斯那里获取廉价的石油和一些资助,而无需同美国或国际货币基金组织(IMF)明争暗斗。不过,作为中美洲最贫穷的 国家,尼加拉瓜难以日渐繁荣。尼加拉瓜国内的通货膨胀率已达到19%。此外,奥尔特加总统的左派言辞已令投资者惊慌而退。

Only one of the eight other Sandinista leaders of the 1980s still supports Mr Ortega. His closest aide now is his wife, Rosario Murillo. She oversees many government functions, and runs the Councils of Citizen Power, new grassroots bodies that are touted as organs of “direct democracy”. These are supposed to help combat poverty but opponents say they undermine democratic institutions, including the police.
在桑地诺解放阵 线8位80年代的领导人之中,仅有一位仍支持奥尔特加总统。奥尔特加最亲密的助手是妻子穆里罗(Rosario Murillo)。目前,穆里罗正监管着多个政府职能部门,并领导着被吹捧为实行“直接民主制”的新型基层机构——公民权利委员会(Councils of Citizen Power)。所有这一切应当有助于抵抗贫穷,但反对者(包括警察)却表示这破坏了民主体制。

Mr Ortega’s supporters hold only 40% of the seats in the National Assembly. He has relied on an unholy alliance with Arnoldo Alemán, a disgraced former president sentenced for corruption who leads one wing of the Liberal party. This cosy arrangement has now been threatened by the Liberals’ recent decision to re-unite ahead of municipal elections due in November.
奥尔特加总统的支持者在国民大会(National Assembly)只占有40%的席位。奥尔特加总统已开始对同声名狼藉的前总统阿莱曼(自由党一翼的领导人,曾因腐败问题被判刑)之间的罪恶联盟寄予厚 望。不过,自由党人最近决定要在预定于11月份市政选举的前夕进行党内重组,因此奥尔特加的巧妙布局可能会是竹篮打水一场空。

In April the Sandinista-controlled electoral authority suspended local elections on the Atlantic Coast, citing hurricane damage. Opponents say the government feared heavy defeat; the postponement prompted riots.
4月,桑地诺解放阵线控制的选举当局表示,大西洋沿岸受到飓风破坏,对当地选举时间给予了延迟。不过,反对者说现任政府恐怕遭遇惨败; 选举延期已引发了暴乱活动。

As Nicaragua increases its dependence on Venezuela’s largesse, European donors are pulling out. The United States has built a big new embassy but offers less aid than Mr Chávez. In the 1980s America spent billions trying to overthrow the Sandinistas as part of its global tussle against communism. Now its interest has waned, with mixed results for the long-suffering people of Nicaragua.
随着尼加拉瓜对委内瑞拉慷慨捐助依赖的增加,欧洲国家的捐赠人 员正在撤出。尽管美国已新设一大使馆,但提供的援助要远远少于查韦斯总统。作为全球抗击共产主义的一部分,美国曾在20世纪80年代花费数拾亿资金试图推 翻桑地诺政权。随着尼加拉瓜长期受难人民错综复杂情绪的出现,当前美国对推翻桑地诺政权的兴趣已是日渐减弱。

译者:captain21  http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11955&extra=page%3D1


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