Troubled Ireland and Europe
Lisbon’s last hope
Jun 25th 2009 | DUBLIN
From The Economist print edition
The Irish government is unpopular—but may still win a Yes to the Lisbon treaty
THE Lisbon treaty has not changed since Irish voters decisively rejected it a year ago. Yet Ireland’s prime minister, Brian Cowen, is confident of winning a second referendum on it in early October, despite his government’s unpopularity. At the European Union summit on June 18th and 19th the other EU countries gave him enough guarantees over how the treaty will affect Ireland. The first referendum was lost partly because voters were confused by false claims. The guarantees make clear that the treaty does not threaten Ireland’s stance on abortion, its right to set corporate-tax rates or its neutrality.
EU leaders have also agreed to change the rules so that each country will now retain a commissioner. The prospect of losing their commissioner (which, ironically, might now happen only if Lisbon fails) seemed particularly to upset voters last June. For Mr Cowen, this is a negotiating triumph—but it is also his sole political success in a dismal year, during which his government has lost public confidence as it struggles to cope with a deep recession.
His poll rating and that of his Fianna Fail-led government are at record lows. Only one in five respondents is satisfied with Mr Cowen’s performance; only one in ten with that of the government. Earlier this month Fianna Fail did badly in the European election and worse in local elections, when it recorded the lowest share of the national vote in its 83-year history. Fianna Fail and Mr Cowen have a poor record on EU referendums, losing two out of three since 2001. Yet the polls point to a yes.
Cowen, unloved but unbowed
That may be because the global downturn has hit Ireland so hard. GDP will contract by 10% this year, say new OECD forecasts, and unemployment may reach 12%. Yet even as the downturn has accelerated, public support for Lisbon has picked up. By last month a two-to-one majority of those who had made their minds up favoured ratification. The recession may have changed voters’ minds as they ponder the benefits of membership of the EU and the euro in a financial crisis—and as they note the troubles of a non-member like Iceland.
For both sides, the second referendum campaign will be quite different. Given the unpopularity of Mr Cowen’s government, success for the yes side will depend on the efforts of opposition parties and non-political groups. The anti-Lisbon side suffered a big setback with the failure by Declan Ganley, founder of Libertas and leading No campaigner last June, to win a seat in the European Parliament and Sinn Fein’s loss of its only seat. For Mr Cowen, a referendum success may buy some time. But neither he nor his government can hope to survive another failure.
对于选举双方来说,第二次全民公投意义非凡。鉴于科恩的政府眼下并不受欢迎,所以任何一方想要获得胜利,还得看反对党和非政治团体的表现。反对《里斯本条约》 的一方,因德克兰•甘利(此君还领导了去年6月的反对欧盟宪法运动)所成立及领导之自由党在欧洲议会选举中的失败,以及新芬党失去其议会的唯一一席而元气大伤。对科恩来说,一次全民公投的胜利也许能赢得一些时间,但是他和他的政府可不能指望着每次都有那么好的运气。