The end of Sri Lanka’s war

Tainted triumph

May 21st 2009
From The Economist print edition

A bloody victory won, Sri Lanka’s government urgently needs to make peace with the Tamil minority

FOR Sri Lanka’s government and many of its citizens, reactions in the West to the final phase of its 26-year war with the Tamil Tigers have reeked of sanctimonious hypocrisy. The world knows the Tigers to be vicious terrorists. To stave off defeat, they held tens of thousands of civilians as human shields in their shrinking corner of northern Sri Lanka. This was typical of their callous disregard even for those whose rights they claimed to champion. Their crushing and the death of their vile chieftain, Velupillai Prabhakaran (see article), are cause for celebration. And in welcoming the end, surely it is unfair to wring hands at the inevitably bloody means. After all, the West is cheering on Pakistan’s army as it takes on the Taliban, uprooting people in their hundreds of thousands.

斯里兰卡政府与泰米尔猛虎组织持续26年的战争终于到了最后阶段。而对于斯里兰卡政府及其许多市民来说,西方世界假装圣洁的的反应散发出浓烈的伪善气息。世人皆知泰米尔是凶残的恐怖分子。为避免战败,他们在斯里兰卡北部日益缩小的地盘里,将数万名贫民作为人体盾牌。这是他们典型冷酷无情的漠视,甚至对于他们声称会捍卫的人的权利也是如此。他们可耻的最高决策人韦卢皮莱•普拉巴卡兰(Velupillai Prabhakaran)的死亡,是人们庆祝的原因。在迎接战争结束时,在审视不可避免的血腥方式面前缩手缩脚当然是不公平的。毕竟,西方正欢呼于巴基斯坦军队处理塔利班问题的方式——彻底根除数十万的追随者。

The alleged double standards of those criticising the Sri Lankan government, however, do not begin to answer their three chief complaints. These are, firstly, that the prosecution of the war, especially in its last weeks, has been unnecessarily brutal and careless of civilian life, perhaps even breaking international humanitarian law. Second, the government has still to show that it is ready to do all it can to ease the suffering of those who have survived the Tigers’ last stand. Third, it has given Sri Lankan Tamils no more than vague assurances that it will tackle the grievances that have stoked the conflict.


If military victory is to bring lasting peace, the government needs to move fast on all three points. The signs, sadly, are not good. On the first, the conduct of the war, the government has consistently described its offensive as a “humanitarian operation”, to free the Tigers’ hostages; it maintains that civilian casualties have all been caused by Tiger shooting and suicide-bombing. If those boasts are true, then it should welcome a thorough inquiry into war crimes. But its policy has been to avoid all scrutiny. The United Nations estimates that some 8,000 civilians have died this year. In private, some of its officials guess the true number may be at least twice that. The truth may never be known (see article). The government has kept journalists away from the battlefield. It has questioned the patriotism of any critics. It has even locked up three of the doctors who revealed some of the casualty figures.


Magnanimity would bring rewards

More urgent than confronting the horrors just past is the need to avert a secondary disaster. Long shelled, shot at and deprived of shelter, food and medicine, the half-starved wretches who have survived the recent battles are exceptionally vulnerable. The government’s concern that Tiger fighters had hidden themselves among the refugees should be less acute after its comprehensive victory. More than a quarter of a million displaced people need immediate help. The restrictions on foreign access to the camps housing them must be lifted at once. The government’s promise, to have four-fifths of them back home by the end of the year, requires a massive programme of mine-clearing and reconstruction. But it might offer the chance to win Tamil loyalties.


Of 3m Tamils in Sri Lanka and a further 1m in the diaspora, very few have faith in the government. A history of abuses by the security forces, and the government’s long refusal to offer genuine political concessions to Tamil demands for autonomy, drove many into the clutches of the Tigers. They, in turn, were ruthless in killing and marginalising more moderate Tamils.


Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, made his victory speech both in Sinhala, the tongue of the majority, and some Tamil. He noted military success brought no “final solution” and boasted that the Tigers’ defeat was “an even greater victory for the Tamil people”. That is not how it looks to those in the camps, nor to Tamils elsewhere in Sri Lanka as their countrymen celebrate the triumph. Nor is it how it appears to angry exiles whose money—some freely given as well as much extorted—has sustained the Tigers’ campaign. “We are all Tigers now,” claimed one British-born, well-educated Tamil protester outside the Houses of Parliament in London this week. That is why the third thing Mr Rajapaksa’s government needs to do is to attack the basis of the Tigers’ residual support by offering Tamils a genuine devolution of political power.

斯里兰卡的总统马欣达•拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)用僧伽罗语、语和一些泰米尔语发表了胜利演说。他宣称军事胜利不会带来最终解决方法,并号称猛虎组织的战败“甚至对于泰米尔人民来说是更大的胜利”。而对于难民营中,以及斯里兰卡其他地区的泰米尔人,当他们的邻人在庆祝胜利时,他们的境遇并非如此。对于那些用金钱主动支持猛虎组织或被猛虎组织勒索的愤怒的流亡者,他们的境遇也并非如此。“我们都是猛虎组织成员了,”本周一名出生在英国、受过良好教育的泰米尔抗议者在伦敦国会大厦外声称。这也是为什么拉贾帕克萨政府需要做的第三件事是通过给泰米尔人授权政治权利来打击猛虎组织残余支持势力的基础。

The government seems to have calculated that, if it won the war quickly enough, using whatever means it took, it could deflect calls from America and Europe for sanctions. Hiding behind the diplomatic support of Russia and, especially, China, it has been able to do that. It seems unaware of quite how badly it has in the process besmirched Sri Lanka’s reputation as a freedom-loving democracy. If it fails to act quickly to save lives and build a lasting peace, the world will have to start treating it as the elected dictatorship it is beginning to resemble.


《经济学人》(The Economist ( ))



  1. Yeah,a tainted triumph reflects that the minority nation will be exploited and bullied, which gets themselves into the terrorists campaign.So does the Tibetese.

  2. 其实有时候平头百姓最想得到的,并不是西方社会所说的自由民主,他们迫切想要的只是性命无忧,只要让他们可以吃保持暖,但是就这些很多地方还是做不到!西方一直说自由民主,那只是你们站着说话不腰疼。

  3. 有几个明显的错误。
    *“uprooting people in their hundreds of thousands”中uproot是把赶出 (住惯的土地、家园等),非根除;
    * “in Sinhala, the tongue of the majority, and some Tamil. ”译者怎么会写为“用僧伽罗语、英语和一些泰米尔语发表了胜利演说”呢?


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