[2008.07.05] 共产主义笑话:会心一笑

Communist jokes

Funny bones

Hammer & Tickle*: A History of Communism Told Through Communist Jokes.

JOKES under communism were not just a welcome contrast to the dreariness of everyday life; they also helped undermine it. For example. “How do you deal with mice in the Kremlin?” “Put up a sign saying ‘collective farm’. Then half the mice will starve and the others will run away.”

Ben Lewis has collated some of the best, and best-known, jokes that were told under more than seven decades of communist rule. His work is based on more than 40 previously published collections ranging from underground selections, to those published by anti-communist émigrés, and a large sprinkling that appeared after 1989, once it was safe to air them.

Ben Lewis的《红旗下的谈笑》收录并校订了一些优秀的政治笑话,它们在苏联七十多年统治下广为人知。这本书取材来自市面上四十多册的笑话集子,从当时地下流传的选集,到反共移民出版的著作,乃至1989年之后涌现的一大批书(那时候已经可以安全传播这些笑话了)。

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