Fundamental questions 极其重要的问题

Capital controls 资本控制

Fundamental questions 极其重要的问题

The IMF changes its mind on controls on capital inflows 国际货币基金组织在控制资本流入的问题上改变想法。

Feb 18th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

LEFTOVER piles of slushy snow from the heaviest snowfall in over a century make it hard to take sharp turns on the roads of Washington, DC, these days. But the past couple of weeks have seen plenty of ideological swerves at the IMF’s downtown headquarters.

Earlier this month the fund’s chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, questioned the focus of modern macroeconomic policy on keeping inflation low, arguing that central banks should aim at an inflation rate of 4%, rather than the conventional goal of 2%. Now a paper* by a group of IMF economists suggests that the fund has substantially rethought its position on the use of restrictions by emerging markets on capital inflows. It concludes that controls are sometimes “justified as part of the policy toolkit” for an economy seeking to deal with surging inflows.
这个月的早些时候,国际货币基金组织的首席经济学家Olivier Blanchard对现代宏观经济政策的重心——将通胀维持于低水平——提出了质疑,并认为中央银行应该将目标定在4%的通货膨胀率,而非作为传统目标的2%。如今,一篇报告——由IMF的一群经济学家撰写——这样认为,国际货币基金组织在关于新兴市场国家对资本入境的限制措施如何使用的问题上已经切实再三思考其立场。文章结论道,资本控制有时是一经济体政策工具组合中的合理一部分,它使该经济体摸索出如何去处理海量外资入境的方法。

This is surprising. The fund has historically opposed capital controls, even trying in 1997 to amend its articles of agreement to allow it explicitly to promote capital- account liberalisation. Its economists have argued both that capital controls are costly because they induce distortions to resource allocation and that they are not effective because they are easily evaded. But there is a contradiction between these arguments: if controls have no effect, how can they be distortionary?

The new paper provides some welcome clarity on the effectiveness of inflow controls. Its authors find that GDP fell less sharply during the financial crisis in countries that already had such policies in place. Prior research has shown that the maturity structure of a country’s external liabilities gets longer as a result of capital controls. The composition of inflows also seems to matter. Countries with a larger overall stock of debt had bigger credit booms and suffered bigger growth collapses during the crisis. So too did countries with more foreign direct investment (FDI) in the financial sector. Unlike other types of FDI, these flows contribute to debt growth because they include lending from parent banks to local subsidiaries. “The use of capital controls,” the fund’s economists write, “was associated with avoiding some of the worst growth outcomes.”

The economists are also candid about situations in which capital controls may be needed. In the past the fund has urged countries facing surging capital inflows to allow their exchange rates to appreciate or to accumulate reserves. But exchange rates can overshoot, with consequences for the competitiveness of a country’s exports. And if reserves are adequate, then further accumulation is not optimal.

If allowing exchange rates to adjust is not a viable option, the fund has typically advocated cutting interest rates to make the country less attractive to foreign funds. One reason for the resurgence in capital flows to emerging markets—which the Institute of International Finance, a financial-industry association, thinks will rise to $721.6 billion in 2010 from $435.2 billion last year—is the difference between their interest rates and the very low rates of the rich world. But some countries would risk overheating if they cut any further.

The fund’s reconsideration of capital controls suggests that it is trying to adapt its advice to global economic realities. That is welcome. But the paper has little to say about what an effective and non-distortionary system would look like. Now that the IMF views controls on inflows more kindly, perhaps it could help countries to design them more cleverly.

* “Capital Inflows: The Role of Controls” by Jonathan Ostry, Atish Ghosh, Karl Habermeier, Marcos Chamon, Mahvash Qureshi and Dennis Reinhart.


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