Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重



Mad, bad and dangerous to know


Jan 14th 2010

From The Economist print edition

Monetary folly is the latest affliction visited on North Korea’s people by the world’s worst government


JUST over a month ago North Korea announced a currency reform. All notes and coins in circulation were replaced by a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won. New currencies for old, as Ghana and others have shown, can send a strong signal from governments breaking with an inflationary past and putting sound money back into citizens’ pockets. In North Korea things are different. As Nicholas Eberstadt, a scholar of the country, puts it, the state has “a deep philosophical problem” with money in anyone’s pockets but its own.

就在一个月前,朝鲜宣布进行货币改革。所有流通中的纸币和硬币都被新货币所取代,新朝鲜圆的面值是旧币的100倍。根据加纳和其他地方的经验显示,货币的更新换代是政府发出的强烈信号,即打破过往的通货膨胀,使得公民再次拥有健全货币。而朝鲜的情况则恰恰相反。就像朝鲜问题学者Nicholas Eberstadt指出的那样,朝鲜政权不放心把钱放在任何人的口袋里,除了自己本身,这是个“深刻的哲学问题”。

Yes, the move was intended to tame inflation. But it was mainly a step towards North Korea’s aim, laid down by Kim Jong Il, the Dear Leader, of becoming a “strong and prosperous nation” by 2012. This fragrant date is the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, divine father of the North Korean people and late biological one of the current dictator. The Great Leader and perpetual president, who died in body in 1994, ruled over a fabled era for North Korea, in which money was of no consequence: the state furnished his children with everything. In demonetising an economy, only Pol Pot attained greater purity.


But the collapse of the Soviet Union did for the command economy. A famine in the mid-1990s killed 600,000-1m of North Korea’s 22m inhabitants. Informal markets, clandestine at first, sprang up as “coping mechanisms”. Very soon, as North Koreans themselves joked, anything was for sale, bar “cat’s horns”. Economic “reforms” announced in 2002 were a belated recognition of the role of markets—and of money.


But Mr Kim’s men have since attempted to squeeze the genie back in the bottle. From 2008, efforts accelerated to revive the public distribution system and clamp down on markets. First, women under 40, the main cohort of traders, were banned from markets, which have since been closed. Travel restrictions, especially near the Chinese border, were reimposed. “Antisocialist Conscience Investigation” teams fanned out. With market activity criminalised, punishments got harsher. In low-level “labour training-centres”, where most economic “criminals” are housed, 60% of inmates have seen executions and 90% witnessed forced starvation, refugees tell surveys by Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland for the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

但从那以后,金正日的官员们一直试图想把“市场”这一妖怪重新收回到瓶中。自2008年,他们加快了如上行动,恢复了公有分配体制并取缔了市场。首先,商人主力军,即40岁以下的妇女,被勒令禁止进入市场,此后市场亦被关闭。然后加强旅行限制,尤其是在靠近中国边境地区。“反社会主义良心调查巡逻队”被派往各地。市场活动则被视作违法,惩罚愈加残酷。Stephan Haggard和Marcus Noland正在为彼得森国际经济研究所进行调查,逃北者向他们表示,大多数的经济罪犯被关押在初级“劳动培训中心”,60%的罪犯被处决,90%的人被目睹强迫挨饿。

The currency reform was an effort by Mr Kim to bring his chicks back under his wing, as if a fabled era is to return. It entailed the destruction of what counted in North Korea for private wealth. A 100,000 old-won limit was placed on what households could convert from old to new, equivalent to one or two years’ state wages. But households’ meagre state incomes were boosted by market activities. At the prevailing black-market rate, the sum represented just $30, barely enough to buy a 50kg sack of rice. It is not just traders, petty or great, who need cash for inventories. Households riding out the vagaries of harvests and the public-distribution system need plenty too. And so a remarkable thing happened in this repressive state. The public angrily protested, putting the state’s resolve in doubt. It announced a flurry of revisions to soften the impact. In a new-year fanfare of achievements by the state media, no mention was made of the reform.


As for inflation, if it was a problem before—the old won’s black-market rate against the dollar had fallen by 95% since 2002—it is much more so now. Thanks to the crackdown on private markets and uncertainties about the currency measures, the black-market exchange rate has apparently tumbled by half. Meanwhile, Good Friends, a South Korean NGO, reports nominal prices for rice higher than before the conversion (implying a 100-fold increase) and still “soaring by the hour”.

至于通货膨胀,如果它以前是个问题(从2002年起,在黑市上,旧币与美元的汇率比下跌了95%),那现在就是个大问题。因为私人市场被取缔及货币政策的踌躇不定,黑市上的汇率又大幅下挫近50%。同时,韩国的一个非政府组织“好朋友”(Good Friends)报告说朝鲜大米的名义价格比货币改革前还要高(这意味着上涨了100倍之多),而且价格“仍在时刻飞涨”。

Punishing state enemies in the private sector is part of it. So is rewarding friends. State salaries, including for soldiers, have been increased by up to 100 times—in new-currency terms. This has brought workers back to their state units. But those units have few inputs or end-buyers, and many factories have anyway long been stripped by managers of machinery, copper wire or anything of value. Last month an edict banned the rapid dollarisation of the economy that is taking place. Yet brutally enforcing it will anger not just market traders with dollars and Chinese yuan, but also the mafia elites at the heart of the regime.


With a nuclear North Korea now on the cusp of hyperinflation, a question is how this will affect relations with China and the West. Many predict a more belligerent tone. But the opposite seems as likely, at least for the time being. The regime is desperate for money and aid, which explains its milder rhetoric towards both South Korea and the United States. As for China, Mr Kim, who is scared of flying, is rumoured to be poised to board his armoured train for Beijing. His chief benefactor will probably give just enough aid to keep him afloat, while demanding concessions. China seems to be behind the revival of plans for a port near the Russian border with access to the Sea of Japan.


The wrong Un


What the currency fiasco means for the regime’s standing is still harder to gauge. A succession process is in train, with Mr Kim attempting to anoint his third son, Kim Jong Un, as heir. On his recent birthday, the official media report, the “morning star” Venus shed an unusually bright light above Mount Paektu, on whose sacred slopes the Dear Leader himself was born, a miracle that took place in a log cabin depicted on the new banknotes.


Nothing is known about the 27- or 28-year-old, except that at his Swiss school he was a bossy brat on the basketball court. Now Western spooks claim he is behind the currency reform. For those hoping that a third-generation Kim will be unable to keep this regime from crumbling, that is great news. Should he cling to power, however, such incompetence is more cause for despair.


译者: 光一


1 波尔布特 :柬共在1975年胜利后,成立民主柬埔寨。波尔布特根据他极左的意识,企图在经济基础和思想基础都非常落后的柬埔寨进行无阶级差别、无城乡差别、无货币、无商品交易、完全超前的“社会主义实践”。

2  cat’s horn  猫的角    指不存在的东西 cat horns refers to something nonexistent

It is commonly held in North Korea that “There is everything in the Jangmadang except for the horns of cats.”

在朝鲜的自由市场,除了猫的角,什么都能买到。 Jangmadang即为:自由市场。

同样的词组还有  hen’s teech 母鸡的牙齿 E.g. something very rare or nonexistent is “as common as hen’s teeth”

3 the wrong Un  口语中un指 人,事物  此处亦指金正银(Kim Jong Un)

“Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重”的17个回复

  1. a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won.


  2. a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won.


    the command economy 翻译为 集体经济体制 感觉好一点

  3. “the command economy”翻译成指令经济没有什么问题的,这是经济学术语,讲划经济与指令经济是不同的。

  4. 90% witnessed


  5. 个人之见,新币是原币的100被没有问题啊,抑制通货膨胀就是要使货币升值啊,难道你不知道通货膨胀时就是钱不值钱了吗??

    1. 是你的理解有问题。新币代表价值是提高了,但是面值却降低了,所以要在原币面值上砍去两个零,楼上的修改意见没有错。

  6. 1. 个人觉得the command economy 翻成计划经济更通俗易懂些。不知道指令经济是否为专业用语或更和北朝鲜的实际情况相近些
    2.个人认为这句话中有错误:In low-level “labour training-centres”, where most economic “criminals” are housed, 60% of inmates have seen executions and 90% witnessed forced starvation,其中的have seen 应改为:have been seen 后面的witnessed 之前可以省略(have been) 这样60%的罪犯被处决,90%的人被强迫挨饿

  7. It is not just traders, petty or great, who need cash for inventories. Households riding out the vagaries of harvests and the public-distribution system need plenty too.

  8. Should he cling to power, however, such incompetence is more cause for despair.


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